
CFHLA Supports our Tourism and Hospitality Industry

The Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association (CFHLA) represents approximately 80% of the hotel rooms in the Greater Orlando Region – encompassing Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties – and the nearly 500 supplier organizations that do business with the tourism and hospitality industries. Throughout the year, CFHLA works to tirelessly educate our local elected leaders on the positive impacts that the hospitality and tourism industries have in Central Florida. This year, CFHLA is focused on advocating for pro-hospitality policies and legislation that will support our tourism and hospitality communities, including the nearly 500,000 employees in our region.

These policies include legislation that shields businesses from frivolous COVID-19 lawsuits, supporting the long-term continuation and funding of Visit Florida, maintaining the integrity of the Tourist Development Tax to encourage visitors back to the region, and ensuring the State Affordable Housing Trust Fund is used for its intended purpose to improve the quality and access to affordable workforce housing in our community.
For more information, please visit

Written by Rich Maladecki

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