
Getting Through the Business Summer Successfully

Summer is just around the corner and for those of us making summer plans for family activities, vacationing and schedule changes can be stressful, especially while also maintaining a successful business or career. Wellness experts recommend that approaching our schedules in a mindful and healthy way is the key to succeeding in both our professional and personal lives.

Lake Nona community business owner Ceasar Cabral of Inspire A Movement, Inc. recommends using a process known as Gratitude Journaling. “Through gratitude journaling, we start each day by listing at least five things for which we are thankful which could be as simple as waking up in a healthy body, having safe refuge in our home, having friends and family that support and love us, among many others.” He continues, “by focusing on more elevated states of emotion (joy, happiness, gratitude, thankfulness), we not only change the lens with which we see the world, but more importantly, we change the way in which we identify with the world.” He encourages reaching out directly to to find out more.

Bringing a positive start to our day can result in less stress, more time to plan and hopefully finding ways to also improve our physical fitness and health. According to MedicalNewsToday, “staying healthy during the hot summer weather while still having plenty of fun requires only careful preparation and awareness. People must only remember to stay safe in the sunshine, stay hydrated, and keep bite-free whenever possible.” So, while adding to those schedules keep a peaceful mind, apply your sunscreen, drink your water, and remember “bug bites can ruin the best of parties”.

Most of our summer activities include physical activities both indoors and out. Plus, exercise is one of the necessities of life that we should include in our routines right next to healthy meals and sleep. Exercise is so important that #1 bestselling leadership author Robin Sharma puts it this way, “If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.” However, people should be mindful and careful of taking on new routines or exercises without first consulting a fitness expert and always starting slowly. Though once you begin a workout routine, you may never, and probably should not ever stop. The results of good fitness support mental health, more strength, improved performance, and more rewarding relationships.

Interested in finding out more about health and fitness opportunities in our community? Visit our chamber website and click on our easily searched Directory tab.

Therefore, let’s all start now. Get ready for summer. Be grateful, plan for safety, and remember according to Cabral of Inspire A Movement, “this practice (these practices) will have a lasting effect on your overall well-being.”

LNRCC is a membership not-for-profit organization with offices located in Lake Nona at 6555 Sanger Rd, Orlando, FL 32827. It is not affiliated with, or sponsored by, Lake Nona Property Holdings, LLC, or its affiliated entities. Comments or requests for information are encouraged at

Written by Don Long

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