
Q&A: It’s a Trap! Orlando

Escape rooms by It’s a Trap! are designed to challenge players while teaching communication skills and building camaraderie. The rooms are stocked with performers to immerse players into the world of the game as well as clues to help solve the puzzles. The rooms can hold eight team members at a time. Participants are required to use problem-solving skills to escape the room in one hour, and they can choose from games with pirate treasure hunting and super heroes themes. This is no ordinary escape room – this one uses plots and narratives to transform it into an experience like no other.

What makes It’s a Trap! stand out in the escape room market?
It’s A Trap! is more than just an escape-the-room game. It offers a fully immersive environment complete with character performers and authentic looking sets and props that allow participants to lose themselves in the game. The goal is to escape, but the environments at It’s a Trap! are so stunning that you may not want to.

What was the inspiration behind this business?
It’s a Trap! is run by a husband-and-wife team with a passion for gaming and immersive theatre. The escape game genre was the perfect opportunity to blend their interests and create a product that everyone would fall in love with.

What is the best part about It’s a Trap!
The owners say that listening to people interact with the characters is amazing. “Knowing that people will walk away with a one-of-a-kind experience and telling the story is the best satisfaction as a storyteller. The puzzles are motivated by story, so every moment is filled with something meaningful.”

What is the best reaction to It’s a Trap! so far?
“It was like being in a movie for an hour.”

Written by Samantha Bequer

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