
Feeling 2022

We’re officially halfway through the first week of 2022 and we are so grateful that you are still on this ride with us! Can you say excited?! This is also the year that Central Florida Lifestyle Publications turns 20 so it’s bound to be a special one.

As you’ve probably heard before, a new year means new possibilities, and the possibilities for our Central Florida community are endless. Every year, we never cease to be amazed by all the wonderful people and businesses located here. It brings us joy and we hope you feel the same.

In this latest issue we discovered all types of tips and tools to help us make our goals and dreams a reality. We also learned about all the great things people have accomplished and businesses have to offer. And now we can’t wait to share our team’s new year’s resolutions with you. We hope they will inspire you to push forward, dream big, make a difference, be kind, and be the best version of yourself.


I am going to resolve to ONLY ADD positive people, events, and opportunities into my life. 

Plus, a book a month! Yes, I am committed to reading a book a month!


Last year I really focused on giving myself grace because I found that I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect. But as you may know life has a way of reminding you there is no such thing as being perfect.

I recently realized that the fear of not appearing perfect has sometimes caused me to hide parts of who I am. I wish to change that in 2022. I want to be more vulnerable with others. I want to build up my confidence and be unapologetically me.

Every person is unique, and we all have something valuable to offer the world, but it starts with self-love and acceptance.


Over the past few years, it seems to be more challenging to show kindness and love for one another. I am guilty of “losing my cool” far more often than I should. I need to reflect instead of reacting. Take a deep breath and be kind. It is easier said than done, but I hope that I will be more kind to others.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway. 

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

People return courtesy with contempt, and kindness with anger.
Be kind anyway.

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32


Each year, I evaluate and seek refinement of my volunteer efforts for my local community. A new goal for 2022 is to build, install, and maintain a Little Free Library (Take a Book – Leave a Book) for the Dr. Phillips area. This international organization, based in Wisconsin, encourages individuals to operate neighborhood exchange boxes to advance the love of reading.


My New Year’s resolution for 2022 is to finish writing my book. I mean really, really finish it. No more tweaking, editing, or stalling.


Do something for yourself – This year I want to give myself a little more attention. I plan to show myself a little more TLC in 2022 so that I can be a better me. Whether it is going to the gym, cooking a healthy meal, watching my favorite show, or treating myself to a mani/pedi, I will prioritize giving myself a little “me time”. In the new year I am so excited to have a chance at a fresh start. We never get another yesterday, but we do get a chance at tomorrow. The new year is a chance to start with a clean slate and not hold on to your past mistakes.


I am most excited about leading our chamber of commerce toward developing new ways to support our community as we recover from the pandemic challenges presented in 2020 and 2021. Part of our plan includes increasing our reach and voice in the community through growth of our organization so our priorities in the region are more frequently heard. Putting that goal into numbers, with the help of our board of directors and our numerous business members we intend to continue our growth from 400 to 450 business members in 2022. We also hope to continue and increase our collaborative efforts with other regional chambers and organizations while also cultivating our relationship with our government supporters. I believe 2022 will be an exciting and abundant year for Lake Nona and the entire region we support.


My new year’s resolution is simply to give back more. I feel I give a lot of time and energy to my work, family, and friends but not to those in need. During the holidays I give toys to the toys drive, food to the food drive and items of need to group foster homes. My New Year’s Resolution is to give all year to those in need. 


I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22! This may be a line in a Taylor Swift song, but it also represents my feelings as we enter 2022.

These past two years have been A LOT, so my intention for this year is to look at the world like I did when I was 22. So full of hope. So much potential. Nothing was off limits. Dreams were larger than life.  So eager to learn, explore and discover. To accept change. To be the change. To be free, but also determined and goal oriented. To be strong, yet vulnerable. To test the limits. To evolve. To become the best version of myself. Despite the challenges of the past few years, I’m looking at this year to re-center myself.

So, as the song goes, everything will be alright, if we just keep dancing like we’re 22.

And with that, from our Central Florida Lifestyle family to yours: Happy New Year! We can’t wait to continue this journey that is 2022 with you. Let’s make it the best year yet!

Written by Alexis George

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