
5 Remarkable Health Benefits of Turmeric


Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family that is native to Southeast Asia. Its rhizomes are used as a spice to flavor curries, but it’s also used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Rich in a natural phenol called curcumin, which gives it its characteristic yellow color and is a potent antioxidant, turmeric’s therapeutic potential is currently being explored by Western medicine. Here are the five most important health benefits of this plant.

1. Potent antioxidant

The ability of oxygen to produce tissue damage has been known and researched for more than half a century. Oxidation of molecules such as DNA and lipids is associated with cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and premature aging. The antioxidant properties of curcumin, which have been studied extensively, are due to its ability to reduce the levels of COX-2 and iNOS, enzymes that promote oxidation and inflammation.

2. Prevents cancer

Several clinical trials have shown that curcumin can kill cancer cells, prevent them from growing and even stop precancerous lesions from turning into cancer. The research was focused mainly on digestive, skin and breast cancers, afflictions which have much lower rates in countries where people consume large amounts of turmeric every day.

3. Antiparasitic

Curcumin and genistein, two compounds isolated from turmeric, have been shown in multiple clinical trials to have antiparasitic properties. Trypanosoma and schistosoma, protozoan diseases that are still a health problem in the developing world, are susceptible to resistance to traditional drugs. Curcumin and genistein, combined or used separately, have been shown to work against these diseases.

4. Anti-inflammatory

The main use of turmeric, both in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine, is for calming the pain associated with inflammatory diseases. Turmeric can relieve inflammation in various organs and systems of the human body, such as the muscles, digestive system, skin and tendons. Whether the inflammation is due to an infection, autoimmune disease or is of unknown origin, the regular consumption of turmeric has been shown to reduce it by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins.

5. Painkiller

Turmeric’s main active compound, curcumin, is a proven alternative medicine for the treatment of pain. It has been shown to calm arthritic pain but without the potential side effects of traditional painkillers, such as stomach pain, liver damage. Curcumin has also been shown to reduce neuropathic pain associated with diabetes by inhibiting cytokines and even pain associated with depression by normalizing serotonin levels.

Millions of people consume turmeric regularly as an important part of their diet. It has been used for thousands of years as a spice and herbal remedy and has recently gained attention in Western medicine. Due to its main active ingredient, curcumin, or diferuloylmethane, turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties, which make it a miracle food and supplement.

Written by Mark James

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