
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Real Health Benefits

Medical evidence continues to support the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), yet many women are still fearful of the incorrect perceptions that BHRT causes cancer, heart disease or any number of other dreadful conditions.

Many women today are still under the impression that BHRT is only about sex, hot flashes and night sweats. As a result, they decide against beginning a therapy that can dramatically improve their lives, not only in sexual function but also in lowering their risk for diseases of aging.

Sexual Function Improves
Replacement of the body’s sex hormones leads to increased levels of sexual activity and improved sexual responsiveness. When post-menopausal women receive BHRT, they experience significant genital rejuvenation, better lubrication and less painful intercourse. Additionally, they have increased sensation and satisfaction due to the positive effects of the hormone on their sensitive parts.

Breast Cancer Risk May Be Reduced
Despite volumes of evidence to the contrary, many women still believe that hormones cause cancer. The reality is that newer studies show just the opposite.
When BHRT is properly administered and monitored by a skilled clinician, the risk for breast cancer may actually be reduced. According to “Maturitas,” a highly respected journal on menopause, women with hormone deficiency treated with testosterone had a reduced incidence of breast cancer.

Lower Risk for Heart Disease
Another common misperception is that BHRT may cause heart disease, but the opposite is true. An article published in women’s health journal “Menopause” in 2013 stated, “Evidence indicating that estrogens administered in … menopause are not harmful to the cardiovascular system and, when given for a few years for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, may slow the progression … and reduce the [risk of] postmenopausal cardiovascular disease.”

Avoid Osteoporosis
Post-menopausal women often develop osteoporosis, which can lead to fractures following simple falls or other minor trauma. Major fractures, like those of the hip, in women over 65 years old are associated with a 35 percent or greater chance of dying during the first year following such a fracture. So treatments that can increase bone density in these women would be expected to have lifesaving consequences.

Yet, the drugs most commonly used to treat osteoporosis only make bone look better during a bone density scan. However, the bone created by these drugs is inferior to normal bone and is prone to unwanted complications such as severe fractures of the femur or jawbone.

Medical literature consistently shows that estrogen, which is a natural substance, can safely increase bone mineral density and reduce the risk of fractures in post-menopausal women.

The Common Theme
BHRT is thought to be beneficial for other diseases of aging such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and high cholesterol. The growing medical evidence that supports health benefits associated with BHRT show that this is a safe and effective treatment that can substantially improve the consequences of aging.

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