
CBD oil: Myth or Medicine? I lived to share the tale.


April 30, 2014, two days after my 44th birthday I was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma: a rare, aggressive deadly cancer. This was especially perplexing since I had been a vegetarian for a year, did not smoke, exercised, and cancer didn’t run in my family. I didn’t even eat bacon for 15 years!

My tumor was high grade, high mitochondria activity, necrosis, and was growing rapidly. My wife and oldest son Conner extensively researched CBD oil and its effects on cancer, pain, and anxiety. She went to our local health food store, Sustain, and bought liquid CBD oil.

After taking the recommended amounts and then a little extra. I was ready to be high, pain-free and cancer free.

I did not get high. CBD is one of many active cannabinoids identified in cannabis and is a major phytocannabinoid, which accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. It contains natural Vitamin E and fatty acids, beneficial to the body. CBD is non-psychotoxic and as a result does not give off a feeling of being “high.” My anxiety however was reduced and I found myself sleeping better at night.


My pain slowly began to get better. I’ve read studies showing CBD stops the body from absorbing anandamide, one compound associated with regulating pain. Increased levels of anandamide in the bloodstream may reduce the amount of pain a person feels. Cannabidiol may also limit inflammation in the brain and nervous system, which may help people experiencing pain.

I did not become cancer free after taking CBD oil but my tumor stopped growing at 15 cm and my doctors said “whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”

Over the past 3 1/2 years I took CBD oil along with other organic spices during 400 hours of chemotherapy, a limb salvage surgery that removed my knee, my tibia, fibula, 90% of my lower leg, and 10 weeks of radiation. Along the way, my doctor said “we’ve never seen anybody respond the way you have, keep doing what you’re doing.”

Most importantly, I took CBD oil while coming off of the opioids; OxyContin and morphine, prescribed for my limb salvage surgery recovery. I was taking these two opioids 24 hours a day, seven days a week for a long time while recovering from my limb salvage surgery. CBD oil helped me defeat this addiction. In an age where opioid addiction is an epidemic we need all the help from plant-based sources we can attain.

The Results

History has shown us that plants can have powerful medicinal and beneficial properties. Aspirin from white willow bark, Ginger for digestion, Turmeric as anti inflammatory, protecting the lungs, broccoli fiber, and anti-cancerous.

CBD Oil helped me defeat leiomyosarcoma, an opioid addiction, and reduces my daily pain from limb salvage surgery. Most importantly, I was able to explore the western United States and the Grand Canyon with my family.

I’m living to share the story, not a tall tale, about the limitless, powerful benefits of CBD oil. We should allow ourselves to further research and explore this powerful plant-based medicine.

Written by Rich McPeak

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