
Depression Looks Different in Men

In men, signs of depression may appear as irritability, anger, withdrawal from previously enjoyable activities, and sometimes substance abuse. The signs of depression in older adults may be even less obvious as older adults may either avoid disclosing their feelings of sadness, loneliness or grief, or they may have other medical issues at play masking depression, with low testosterone being one of these.

What Causes Low T?
The aging process naturally causes testosterone levels to decline in men, usually starting around the age of 30. However, other causes of low testosterone may be the use of prescription drugs, exposure to environmental toxins and even certain food ingredients.

Take Action on Your Health
Concerned about low testosterone? Speak to your doctor about being tested for low T. Also, make healthy lifestyle changes that enhance your overall quality of life while helping to stabilize testosterone levels. A few strategies to adopt are reducing or eliminating processed foods, fitting in regular physical activity and getting stress under control.

Be proactive about your health to reap all the benefits of a vibrant, active and healthy lifestyle. Learn more at

Bio: Alicia S. Hyatte is a family, health, and wellness advocate, writer, and educator. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Holistic Health Coach, she creates and delivers programs to motivate individuals and families towards a happier, healthier lifestyle. Follow her on Twitter and Pinterest @wholefamilymag and

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