
Discover How the Colors of Noise Can Help You Sleep Better

Beautiful african american woman sleeping in her bed at night

Are you looking to get better sleep at night? Using a sound machine or playing a sound frequency on your phone or television while you sleep not only helps to block out excess noise that can disrupt sleep, but it also can help relax the brain and allow you to have a deeper sleep. You can even use the colors of noise to help you focus while working, reading or doing household tasks.

The different “colors” of noise come from the frequencies that they emit. Some are lower or higher pitched than others, but regardless of which color you choose, the steady noise produced by these colors can help improve sleep. Chances are you’ve heard of white noise before, but there is a range of frequencies that can help you get a better night’s rest.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular colors of noise and a description of what each one sounds like:

White Noise

White noise is the most well-known of the different colors of noise. Most sound machines typically produce white noise, which can help you sleep by emitting a static-like sound. White noise sounds similar to the hum of an air conditioner or a vacuum.

Brown Noise

Try brown noise if you find white noise a bit too high-pitched for your liking. Brown noise is a lower frequency than white noise and sounds like a roaring waterfall or deep thunder.

Pink Noise

Pink noise is similar to brown noise and has a deeper sound, but it’s a little calmer. It sounds like rainfall or waves at the beach. Pink noise has a steadier pitch than brown or white, giving it a more calming effect.

What Colors of Noise Work Best for You?

For best results, turn on your sound machine or video right before you go to bed after turning the lights off. Some people prefer to leave the sound playing all night long, while others use a timer and only use the noise to help them fall asleep

Everyone’s body is different, so pay attention to how rested you feel in the morning to help determine what works best for you.

Written by Amanda Turko

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