
Exploring Selank Peptide: Research About Mood, Memory, and More

Selank Peptide: Mood, Memory, and More  


Researchers may benefit from our compilation of the most recent data on this tuftsin analog, Selank. Because of its alleged neuroprotective characteristics, Selank peptide is hypothesized to have properties such as: 


  • Improving brain function  
  • Reducing stress  
  • Managing mood  


Selank Peptide: What is it? 


Selank is a manufactured version of the naturally occurring immunostimulatory tetrapeptide tuftsin found in the Fd subunit of gamma-globulin. To make Selank more stable in the organism, it is changed with an extra trio of amino acids (Pro-Gly-Pro). The Russian Institute of Molecular Genetics was the first to produce Selank and study its potential in the context of neurological and mental disease research. Since then, Selank’s potential cognitive, antinociceptive, and anxiolytic impacts have gained increasing attention within the scientific community.  


Research indicates that Selank exhibits the potential to cross the blood-brain barrier and alter the central nervous system, possibly instantly; however, another hypothesized route of exerting its potential may be the release into the organism more slowly, affecting GABA and NMDA binding sites differently.  


 Selank Peptide: Mechanism of Action 


Research indicates that Selank may mimic the immune system’s natural tuftsin peptide in its action. Other action mechanisms of Selank may help with its cognitive impacts.  


According to reports, Selank seems to modulate the immune system. Some believe it may control immunological responses and how the organism makes inflammatory cytokines, which might affect how the immune system works.  


The combination of Selank and enkephalins suggests that it may have a positive impact on pain and anxiety signaling. These chemical messengers are believed to act on the organism’s opioid receptors to alleviate pain and induce relaxation. When the enzyme enkephalinase breaks down enkephalins too rapidly, it leads to nervous system dysregulation. As a result of its action on enkephalinase, Selank is hypothesized to maintain normal enkephalin levels, potentially alleviating pain and anxiety.  


Selank Peptide and the Brain 


Some neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, are thought to regulate Selank’s impacts on the brain’s cognitive and affective functions. Investigations purport that Selank may modulate the stress response by affecting neuropeptides such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and its receptors.  


Selank has been hypothesized to alter the GABA receptors’ sensitivity to GABA, producing an inhibitory central nervous system response comparable to benzodiazepines but researchers suggest, via animal research, without unwelcome effects. 


Selank Peptide and Neuroplasticity 


Findings imply that Selank may improve neuroplasticity by encouraging neuronal development and branching and by easing synaptic plasticity, in which synapses may become stronger or weaker in response to activity. These effects might enhance learning, memory, and neuroplasticity.  


It has been theorized that Selank may be useful in the context of brain function due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. Scientists speculate that by lowering inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, Selank may have the potential to save neurons from harm and promote normal cognitive function. These effects depend on promoting neuroplasticity and preserving brain function.  


Lastly, Selank has been suggested to enhance memory recall, knowledge acquisition, and consolidation. Because of its alleged potential on neurotransmitter systems and neuroplasticity, Selank is believed to potentially increase cognitive function by increasing the development and retention of memories.  


Selank Peptide and Mood  


Some research suggests that Selank may affect the serotonin system. Depression and other mood disorders have been tied to abnormalities in the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is involved in mood regulation. Studies suggest that mood stabilization might be an effect of Selank’s regulation of serotonin metabolism in the brains of animal research models. Researchers have also speculated that Selank may affect the levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is involved in reward and pleasure. Selank has been hypothesized to restore equilibrium and encourage a more stable mood by influencing dopamine levels or receptor activation.  


Selank Peptide and Neurons 


Preclinical, animal research, has indicated that Selank may possibly increase neuronal survival and regeneration. It has been theorized to aid in the upkeep of current neurons and promote the formation of new ones (neurogenesis). These properties are considered to be crucial in preventing neurodegenerative diseases and maintaining brain function.  


Additionally, Selank has been suggested to decrease brain oxidative stress. When the organism’s generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds its capacity to neutralize them, oxidative stress ensues. Excessive oxidative stress may damage cells, particularly neurons. According to some research, Selank’s antioxidant properties seem to make it relevant to research in the context of oxidative damage to neurons.  


Selank Peptide and Stress 


It is thought that similar to how it may reduce anxiety, Selank might control the release of certain neurotransmitters involved in the organism’s reaction to stress. This modulation may reduce stress and promote a calmer nervous system. 


It must be noted that these findings are based on in vitro and animal research only, the peptide is not available for human consumption. 


Researchers interested in high-quality Selank and other research peptides are encouraged to navigate the Biotech Peptides website. 




[i] National Center for Biotechnology Information (2023). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 11765600, Selank. 


[ii] Filatova, E., Kasian, A., Kolomin, T., Rybalkina, E., Alieva, A., Andreeva, L., Limborska, S., Myasoedov, N., Pavlova, G., Slominsky, P., & Shadrina, M. (2017). GABA, Selank, and Olanzapine affect the expression of genes involved in GABAergic neurotransmission in IMR-32 cells. Frontiers in pharmacology, 8, 89. 


[iii] Zozulia, A. A., Neznamov, G. G., Siuniakov, T. S., Kost, N. V., Gabaeva, M. V., Sokolov, O. I.u, Serebriakova, E. V., Siranchieva, O. A., Andriushenko, A. V., Telesheva, E. S., Siuniakov, S. A., Smulevich, A. B., Miasoedov, N. F., & Seredenin, S. B. (2008). Efficacy and possible mechanisms of action of a new peptide anxiolytic selank in the therapy of generalized anxiety disorders and neurasthenia. S.S. Korsakova, 108(4), 38–48 


[iv] Vasil’eva, E. V., Kondrakhin, E. A., Salimov, R. M., & Kovalev, G. I. (2016). Comparison of pharmacological effects of heptapeptide Selank after intranasal and intraperitoneal administration to BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. Eksperimental’naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia, 79(9), 3–11. 


[v] Kolomin, T., Shadrina, M., Andreeva, L., Slominsky, P., Limborska, S., & Myasoedov, N. (2011). Expression of inflammation-related genes in mouse spleen under tuftsin analog Selank. Regulatory Peptides. 


[vi] Cullen, J. M., & Cascella, M. (2020). Physiology, Enkephalin. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. 


[vii] Narkevich, V. B., Kudrin, V. S., Klodt, P. M., Pokrovskiĭ, A. A., Kozlovskaia, M. M., Maĭskiĭ, A. I., & Raevskiĭ, K. S. (2008).Effects of heptapeptide selank on the content of monoamines and their metabolites in the brain of BALB/C and C57Bl/6 mice: a comparative study. Eksperimental’naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia, 71(5), 8–12. 


[viii] Kasian, A., Kolomin, T., Andreeva, L., Bondarenko, E., Myasoedov, N., Slominsky, P., & Shadrina, M. (2017). Peptide selank enhances the effect of diazepam in reducing anxiety in unpredictable chronic mild stress conditions in rats. Behavioural neurology, 2017, 5091027. 


Written by Catie Moore

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