
5 Healthy Holiday Survival Tips Yule Adore

The holidays have arrived with all the high-calorie food and drinks of the season. It’s no wonder why most of us gain weight this time of year. Sweet temptations are everywhere. Even healthy foods like sweet potatoes and green beans are somehow transformed into high-calorie dishes that make you want to do nothing but fall asleep. Even the drinks, such as eggnog and alcoholic beverages, are loaded with calories.
Want to fight these holiday pounds? Follow my SANTA plan.

What’s the SANTA Plan?

S: Savor Everything. It’s unrealistic to think that you will skip that party or avoid that favorite treat you indulge in once a year. So go ahead and take that cookie, but savor it. Sip your eggnog and enjoy every drop. As long as you aren’t overdoing it, ‘tis the season to savor!

A: Always Hydrate. Drink water before going out, while you are out and after you get home. Most people are walking around mildly dehydrated all day, every day. If you’re enjoying alcohol or salty snacks at a party or dinner, make sure to up your water intake to compensate. A hydrated body functions better and keeps your metabolism revved. Water will also keep you feeling fuller, so you eat and drink less.

N: New Year, New Yule. Think about what changes you can make to improve the holiday for you and your family, friends or neighbors. Is there a healthier recipe for your sweet potato casserole that tastes just as good or better? Are there some simple budget cuts you can make to ease the seasonal strain on your wallet? How about making gifts? Spending time not money is what’s important to most loved ones. Create new rules. Do it your way.

T: Ten Minutes A Day. Crank up the jingle bell rock and get moving. Doing a few simple stretches and exercises each day can keep the pesky fruitcake calories away.

Try this 10-minute workout routine you can do anywhere:

  • 10 high knees
  • 10 squats
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 toe touches

Try to complete as many rounds as possible within 10 minutes. If you’re feeling good, go for 20 minutes!

A: Adjust Your Mindset. Enjoy the goodness of the season in moderation. Trim calories where you can by limiting trimmings like cheeses, gravy and sauces. Be smart about what you choose to eat without depriving yourself of the foods you love or you will likely splurge and ruin all your good intentions. Start by surveying the available food items and indulge in your favorites the everyday dishes that you can have another time. Also, limit the amount of alcoholic beverages you drink because, as you likely know, they’re filled with calories, too. Try alternating an alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink.

Follow these simple tips to avoid holiday weight gain this season. Remember, if you want to sleigh the holidays this year, just remember the SANTA plan.

About the Author

Damien Priester is a certified fitness coach and owner of Prestige Fitness. He works with people of all ages and fitness levels to help them achieve their goals. As a speaker, trainer, instructor and healthy living expert, he has been featured at hundreds of conventions, expos, classes and corporate events.

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