
Fostering a Healthy Lifestyle, Mind and Body

My health journey

Last year, I wrote an article about my journey to be as healthy as I could be and take advantage of preventative measures to avoid health issues as I age. I have continued on that journey because I really enjoy being a grandmother (Nonna) and this year, not only will I be a Nonna to Brennan D’Uva, I will be Nonna to another baby boy D’Uva in Cincinnati. 

Health for my roles

I continue with my bi-annual visits to my internal medicine doctor, take routine blood tests and annual mammograms, not to mention any and all of the tests that my doctors recommend to keep me on a good path. My health is not only important in my role as Nonna, but also in my role as President/CEO of the West Orange Chamber. I need to be in good physical and mental health to continue my service to the community leading this Chamber and as Vice President of the MetroWest Master Association. 

Additionally, I must have good health for volunteering for Shepherd’s Hope, American Diabetes Association and continuing another West Orange Habitat for Humanity project for the Women’s Build.  That one definitely took physical and mental health since they let me use a miter saw. As did Westly’s Healthy Selfie 5K with the Chamber team. 

Living in a healthy community

I can do all these things because I am fortunate to have access to medical care to keep an eye on my mind and body. I’m also fortunate to live in a community and state that fosters so much outdoor activity to keep the mind and body healthy. As many of you know, I enjoy bike riding. It’s a time that usually allows my mind to focus solely on riding a bike and enjoying the scenery.  I also have other more sedentary hobbies. I love to read and listen to books. These are times that allow my brain to rest and regroup, to find peace.

Each of us has different ways to balance work life and home life. In addition to riding and reading, I really enjoy just hanging out with close friends in a small group. Oftentimes it involves some good eating and responsible drinking, and West Orange certainly has many places to fulfill that hobby of mine. 

Written by Stina D'Uva

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