
Get a Beautiful Body with Dr. Mahnaz Qayyum

How would you like to have a beautiful body? Would you like to sculpt the undesirable parts of your body to make them slimmer? Love handles be gone! Tummy roll no more!

Technology can take an individual fat cell and puncture it down to a smaller size. Imagine a typical fat cell as a grape. If this grape is exposed to a safe, piercing laser, then the grape will shrink into a raisin. Now imagine pointing a laser to your midline and transforming every fat cell grape into a raisin. Patients can lose as many as two to four inches from their waist. It can and is being done at Dr. Mahnaz Qayyum’s practice, Family Care Specialists of Orlando.

Dr. Qayyum has chosen to use this shrink-and-tighten technology: iLipo and EndyMed. iLipo shrinks the waistline while EndyMed tightens sagging abdominal skin. It is the intelligent, non-surgical alternative to invasive liposuction. Patients never have to get onto the endless carousel of life-threatening surgery and scar-producing procedures. iLipo hails from Europe, does not freeze fat, does not slice open the body, and is FDA approved. It was also designed and produced in the UK by Chromogenex and was awarded Best Slimming Treatment at the prestigious Les Victoires de la Beauté in Paris.

Patients adopt a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet; drink an easy to achieve 64 ounces of water; exercise for half an hour a day; and attend eight weekly sessions of iLipo and EndyMed. Dr. Qayyum’s typical iLipo and EndyMed patient loses up to four dress sizes. This eight-week shortcut procedure motivates patients to maintain regular exercise and a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.

Award-winning iLipo, also seen on The Doctors talk show, points precise lasers to fat cells. Low levels of laser energy as well as chemical signals to fat cells release contents out of each exposed fat cell. Each fat cell then shrinks in size since it has given up its contents. These contents are stored triglycerides and are used up by the body for energy. Exposed fat cells no longer look like grapes but have become raisins. iLipo does not create any unusual reactions in the body, and it does not affect or damage any surrounding skin, blood vessels, or peripheral nerves. Regular exercise, drinking water, and eating a proper diet helps maintain a slimmer figure.

Technology now shrinks fat cells without invasive, scar producing surgery. What’s next? The skin stretches due to weight gain. Abdominal skin is most stressed and affected by weight gain. Sagging is inevitable. EndyMed comes to the rescue. EndyMed is the most advanced radio-frequency treatment today. This FDA-approved technology emits radio frequency waves deeper than any other radio-frequency technology. It tightens the skin and revitalizes collagen fibers. This treatment results in tightening sagging bellies, underarms and the face.

It dramatically minimizes facial scars and reduces wrinkles. Wrinkle prone areas around the eyes are not suitable for injecting Botox and other fillers. EndyMed is able to dramatically reduce wrinkles by exposing these areas that are close to the eyes to radio-frequency therapy. EndyMed treatment results are long lasting and continue to improve the look and feel of patients’ skin months after treatment.

The iLipo and EndyMed twin therapy is unique only to Family Care Specialists of Orlando. Our patients enjoy smaller waistlines, tighter skin and fewer wrinkles. Aging faces are now revitalizing collagen, which is resulting in a youthful look. Sagging jowls are lifted.

Would you like to find out more? Call Family Care Specialists of Orlando to schedule a free demo.

7932 West Sand Lake Road
Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32819
Office: (407) 355-7759

Written by Dr Mahnaz Qayyum

Dr. Mahnaz is a Board Certified Family Medicine physician that focuses on comprehensive patient healthcare. She brings her unique healthcare approach to Family Practice of Celebration (FPC) from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey and the University of London, Great Britain.

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