Health Supplements for Women in Their 30s, 40s and 50s

Health supplements, such as the ones found at Chamberlin’s Natural Foods stores, can help women feel better both inside and out. Some things to consider for consistent consumption include a multivitamin and calcium or to add some shilajit resin to your routine. Calcium is extremely important for teenagers because the teenage years are when your build your bone density for the rest of your life.

Similarly, needs will change as you age because your body goes through different things. Here are some recommendations for supplements to take at every age.

In Your 30s

Folic Acid: This is an important supplement during your childbearing years because it’s known to help prevent birth defects such as spina bifida. However, it needs to be in your system prior to conception. It doesn’t help if you start taking it once you get pregnant. You can also get the recommended amount of folic acid by taking a multivitamin.

Iron: Since you’re likely still in your childbearing years, you’re still menstruating in your 30s. Iron can be an important mineral for women who are menstruating. Iron deficiency is also fairly common, so this supplement can help combat the effects of that.

In Your 40s

Fish Oil: In your 40s, your body starts to transition into pre-menopause and you can start having hot flashes. While fish oil is also beneficial for heart health, cholesterol and joints, it can also be extremely helpful while going through the pre-menopause years.

Collagen: Fine lines and wrinkles form as you age, so it’s common to begin taking a supplement that works for the skin in your 40s. That’s where collagen comes in. It helps to calm some of those visual effects of aging and helps cut down on wrinkles.

In Your 50s

Black Cohosh: At this point in life, you’re likely going into menopause. Many women take black cohosh because it includes phytoestrogen, which mimics the effects of estrogen in the body. This can help reduce common menopause symptoms, including night sweats and hot flashes.

Calcium Complex with Vitamin D: These two supplements go hand in hand because Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium. During menopausal years, women’s bones are more likely to thin and calcium can help reduce the risk of fractures. You don’t build bone mass by taking this supplement, but it helps to maintain the bone mineral density that you have.


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Written by Mary Ann O'Dell

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