
Make it Your Year With Belly Balloon Orlando

New Year, New Focus

Every year, millions of people make resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier and exercise more. At Belly Balloon Orlando, Dr. Nasim Ahmed and his staff want to help you make your resolutions a reality with the help of ReShape and the Belly Balloon one-year comprehensive program that focuses on healthy living. There are three aspects to this program.

Part One: ReShape

The first is the Reshape procedure itself. A patented, FDA-approved, dual-balloon device is inserted into the patient’s stomach in a simple outpatient procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes. The balloons are inserted through the mouth using an endoscope while the patient is under light anesthesia.

“The balloons are a great way to jumpstart what we hope will be a year of healthy weight loss,” Dr. Ahmed says. “The balloons themselves will occupy two-thirds of the patient’s stomach, making them feel fuller faster. By eating significantly smaller portions they will lose excess weight that otherwise had been difficult to shed.”

Part Two: A Lifestyle Change

The second part of the program is pairing patients with a certified nutrition and lifestyle expert to help them identify and adapt their diet to healthier choices that will help them maximize their weight loss while the balloons are in as well as formulate long-term, achievable goals for after the balloons are removed. This helps patients achieve and exceed their weight loss goals!

“I tried fad diets, pills and shakes, and nothing helped me until the ReShape balloons,” says Carmelia, who lost 51 pounds with the program. “It has been two years now and I’ve kept it off!”

Part Three: Excercise & Support

The addition of exercise is the third aspect of the ReShape program. Online tools and in-office support encourage Belly Balloon patients to move more to maximize their weight loss and improve their health and their life. Whether it’s walking on a treadmill, taking the stairs at work or doing a lap in the pool, the addition of exercise in any form is key to shifting to a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Ahmed and his staff have seen patients lose anywhere from 30 to 80 pounds with the Belly Balloon program. To learn more or to set up a complimentary consultation, visit or call the office today.

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Lynda lost 40 pounds!

“For years, I was overweight and mad at myself for letting my body and health deteriorate. I would try to eat healthy but failed miserably, and I couldn’t exercise because of the pain I was experiencing due to my weight. Then I saw an advertisement on social media for ReShape and was intrigued. The first few days following the procedure were rough, but the following week, I was exercising and I couldn’t eat as much as I did in the past, which was a huge positive for me. I was elated to see the weight falling off. Now I walk three miles on my lunch break, eat healthy and work out at the gym. I have the willpower and confidence to continue toward my goal thanks to ReShape, and I know what it takes to achieve my weight loss goals and, more importantly, how to maintain them.”

Central Florida’s #1 ReShape Provider!

Nasim Ahmed, MD is a gastroenterologist with over 30 years of expertise. He has a special interest in non-surgical weight loss solutions and is the #1 ReShape Weight Loss Balloon Provider in Orlando. His office is located at 7328 Stonerock Circle in the heart of the Dr. Phillips community.

So what are the benefits of losing weight?

Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack

Lower Blood Pressure

Ease Stress on Joints

Enhance Your Mood

Eliminate Snoring

Increase Energy

Prolong Your Life!

Written by Lyndsay Fogarty

Lyndsay Fogarty has had many roles at Central Florida Lifestyle, working her way from intern to contributing writer to managing editor. She is a graduate of the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication where she earned her degree in journalism. Along the way, she has learned that teamwork and dedication to your craft will get you far, and a positive outlook on the present will get you even farther.

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