
Review: IV Lounge – Next Generation Spa

An intravenous infusion of vitamin-rich fluids.

Long days at the office, running the kids around to their extracurricular activities, fitting in time at the gym – it can all run you down after a while. So IV Lounge – Next Generation Spa, located at the Dellagio Town Center, offers IV Vitamin Therapy to give you boost of energy, among other health-related benefits.

Individuals typically try IV Vitamin therapy for three reasons: wellness, beauty and sports performance. The uniting factor is hydration. Dehydration can cause chronic fatigue, joint pain, headaches, weight gain and skin dullness. Sending vitamins like B Complex and Vitamin C straight to the bloodstream not only ensures you get the most out of these nutrients, as gut issues that plague many Americans can affect the way the vitamins are absorbed when taken in pill form, but the intravenous process hydrates you.

I had the opportunity to try an IV Vitamin Therapy treatment, complete with a B-12 shot, along with three of my colleagues. We all agreed that we felt well taken care of and comfortable, considering it is a doctor-supervised facility. New visitors must consult with the doctor prior to their first treatment and each IV is prepared right in front of them using vitamins that are transported overnight on ice from a trusted pharmacy in California, which is known for its rigorous standards for providing only the purest ingredients.

During our treatment, we received our B-12 shots immediately after our consultation and once we had been prepared for the IV. Then we were brought, one by one, to a private lounge area where our bags were hooked to the wall, and we chatted until it was over. Trying the treatment on your own? Then relax in one of the soothing blue pods and listen to music or meditate.

When the vitamin bag emptied, a nurse injected glutathione into the IV. This powerful antioxidant is considered the secret to preventing aging, cancer, dementia, heart disease and more. And just like that, our treatment was complete.

First-timers should reserve at least an hour to complete the doctor consultation and the treatment.

So how did IV Vitamin Therapy make us feel?

Catie: I felt a burst of energy the very next day, but the excitement wore off by Sunday. I could tell my body was dehydrated and think I would benefit in the long-term if I made this a routine.

Kristi: Although I felt completely hydrated going into it, it was amazing to see how quickly my IV went. I thought I drank enough water every day, but my IV bag said differently.

Lyndsay: I felt noticeably less tired than I usually feel at the end of a normal day, and the next morning, I jumped right out of bed at 6 a.m. (on a Saturday!) to get my day started.

Marisabel: I enjoyed the atmosphere, and the staff was amazing and knowledgeable. I had a long, event-filled weekend and felt this treatment helped to get me through.

Written by Lyndsay Fogarty

Lyndsay Fogarty has had many roles at Central Florida Lifestyle, working her way from intern to contributing writer to managing editor. She is a graduate of the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication where she earned her degree in journalism. Along the way, she has learned that teamwork and dedication to your craft will get you far, and a positive outlook on the present will get you even farther.

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