
Teenage DUI

According to MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, more than 5.8 percent of students over the age of 16 have driven under the influence of alcohol, and this number increased exponentially — as high as 15.1 percent — for those 18 years or older. Although death, physical impairment and property damage are often the sad result of teenage drunk drivers, another major impact not given much thought by students or parents is the impact it may have upon higher education.

Many schools do not accept students who have DUI convictions on their records and scholarships may be revoked or denied. Some colleges conduct background checks and require applicants to disclose any criminal history on their college applications. Also, students do not think about the impact that a DUI might have upon their ability to secure a part-time or full-time job during and after graduation in order to pay for higher education. Most job applications ask you to disclose convictions like a DUI. Certain employers may dismiss your application based on your DUI record alone.

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