
Top 5 Self-Care Tips for Families in the New Year

How to focus on self-care and positivity as a family in this upcoming year. 

The start of the calendar year is an excellent time to reset, especially for families and students. Halfway through the school year, everyone is looking for a way to recommit to themselves and their families through self-care.

Here are five ways to focus on self-care in the upcoming New Year


Ditch the new resolutions. Instead, choose one word for your family that helps everyone be the best that they can be this year. Unlike traditional resolutions, Jon Gordon’s “one word solution provides flexibility for the word to apply to many different situations. My word for 2019 was “stretch.” Families with older children can also have their kids choose their own words. 


Commit to moving for 20 to 30 minutes at least two times a week, and do it together as a family. The word “exercise” can often have a bad connotation. Many families are too busy running in different directions to commit to an exercise class or program, so use a calendar and choose two days a week instead. The weekend works best for my family. Whatever day you choose, make movement fun and keep it simple. 


According to the United States Geological Survey, up to 60% of the adult body is made up of water and a child’s body has an even higher percentage. Drinking more water helps body functions, promotes healthy skin and can improve your mood. With all of the New Year’s sales, it is the perfect opportunity to buy a new reusable water bottle. Switch out sugary drinks at your kitchen table and in lunchboxes. These small changes will yield big results for you and your little ones. 


Many students participate in D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) at school, but try having a set time for everyone in the family to read each night. When you work reading into your nighttime routine, children learn that it’s important to read every day, whether you are 5 or 55. Books are also a great way to connect with your children on more challenging topics, especially when you follow up with a conversation about the events in the book. 


Being thankful is not limited to the autumn and winter holiday seasons. Find a way to celebrate gratitude every day. Whether it’s keeping a daily gratitude journal or saying what you are thankful for during dinner or bedtime conversations, it can help you refocus on all of the positive things in your life. 

It’s up to you whether you choose one, a few or all of the suggestions above. Just take a deep breath and focus on your health and your family’s health in this New Year and new decade.  

Written by Staff Writer

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