
Resale Properties vs. New Build Home

New residential construction home framing against a blue sky

Are you in the market for a new home? Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or you’re looking to upgrade your current home, there are some important things to consider in Orlando’s real estate market. First, you need to decide if you want to purchase a resale home or if a new build is better for you. These two options have major differences, each with its own unique set of benefits and downsides.

Resale properties have limited stock, and you can’t customize them unless you invest in a complete overhaul of the home. While resale homes can come with problems, the good news is that they can be discovered ahead of time with an initial inspection through your Realtor. This is the best option if you are looking for a particular neighborhood without many empty lots, which is the case with the prestigious Bay Hill community.

When you have more time to make the purchase, a new build option is best. Do you want a lot on the lake or do you prefer a corner lot? While you will have to wait for it by choosing a new build, the benefit is that you can get exactly what you want. Builders typically also offer warranties on the new home, which is great in the long run. The most important thing is to select a Realtor with vast experience in the area and community in which you’re looking to purchase. We’re happy to help you find your dream home in the Orlando market.

Tips for Staying Safe in the Field

As a Realtor, you’re always meeting new people, who invite you into their homes. It’s important to stay aware and keep your guard up in order to stay safe while you’re doing your job.
The National Association of REALTORS® suggests taking just 10 seconds to check out your surroundings when you arrive at every appointment. Its 10-second rule is outlined below.

Take 2 seconds when you arrive at your destination.

  • Is there any questionable activity in the area?
  • Are you parked in a well-lit, visible location?
  • Can you be blocked in the driveway by a prospect’s vehicle?

Take 2 seconds after you step out of your car.

  • Are there suspicious people around?
  • Do you know exactly where you’re going?

Take 2 seconds as you walk toward your destination.

  • Are people coming and going or is the area unusually quiet?
  • Do you observe any obstacles or hiding places in the parking lot or along the street?
  • Is anyone loitering in the area?

Take 2 seconds at the door.

  • Do you have an uneasy feeling as you’re walking in?
  • Is someone following you in?

Take 2 seconds as soon as you enter your destination.

  • Does anything seem out of place?
  • Is anyone present who shouldn’t be there or who isn’t expected?

Written by Gonzalo Senior

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