
Meet the Jacksons: Your Legal and Real Estate Experts

Meet the Jacksons, a real estate team inside Jackson Law P.A. that is comprised of Kristen Jackson, attorney/owner and founder of the law firm; John Jackson, Kristen’s husband and firm administrator; Laura Jackson, real estate administrator; and her husband, Charles Jackson, real estate title and contracts manager. What do they all have in common besides a family relationship?

They are all Florida Realtors and represent clients in the purchase and sale of real estate.

How It All Came to Be

When Kristen first started practicing law, she envisioned herself inside the court room, in front of judges and juries, as a trial lawyer embattling disputes. She quickly learned that law had many paths that didn’t require the intensity of courtroom trials.

“Instead, I developed an interest in asset management law where I could help families manage their assets, wealth and health,” she says. “I chose to become an estate planning and elder law attorney to work closely with families in the development of wills, trusts, probate management and health care.”

The asset protection part of Kristen’s practice, estate planning, involved the family home of many clients. She prepared property deeds, sale and purchase contracts, and, later, real estate title, escrow and closing documents, which her law practice has been managing for more than 20 years. In that time, clients often asked, “When will your staff become Realtors
so you can sell our properties, too?”

Kristen took that advice. With a clientele into the thousands, Kristen and members of her staff became Realtors and established an additional website specifically designed for the sale of real estate, Kristen and the Realtors within her firm, John, Charles and Laura, have joined their licenses with a highly renowned real estate brokerage firm in Orlando, Florida Realty Investments. Soon, Kristen says, it’s her desire to add a real estate brokerage license to her plate of many other licenses.

Meet the Team

Charles manages field sales and, most often, is who clients will meet for the initial step of signing listing agreements. At this step, he provides comparable values, sharing the value of the property you’re preparing to list, or, if you’re looking to buy, what you might expect to pay when purchasing a home. He also prepares the sale and purchase agreements, working closely with Kristen at closings.

And just who is Charles? First, he says to call him Chuck, like those of us who know him and grew up with him.

In Central Florida, three out of every four people are from another state. Chuck is the exception. Born and raised here in Orlando, he knows the Central Florida terrain better than most Realtors. This gives him a navigational awareness and advantage to place families in just the right home location for convenient, easy access to their places of business, their children’s schools, shopping, and entertainment — all within a budget to fit their daily living.

“My love for family pushes me to provide the best, safest, most meaningful life possible for them,” Chuck says. Having the right home in the right location is life-changing. This is much of why I became a Realtor. In real estate, I get the best reward, and there is no greater feeling than selling something that is meaningful and life-changing to other families.”

Chuck’s wife, Laura, is involved in the day-to-day administration of real estate matters within the law firm. Her family relocated to Orlando when she was only 4 years old, so she considers herself a true Floridian. In addition to being a Realtor, Laura is a registered nurse who lectures and teaches the ethical, respectful, and strategic importance of optimal care of vulnerable patients.

In her practice as an educator, she has learned that the same core values she was taught as an RN are essential in all business matters and applies these values in her practice as a Realtor. She says, “Although they’re different subject matters, health and home are intertwined. Whether you have been in a hospital or you’re buying or selling a home, both are life events and an emotional rollercoaster ride. Both require facts, delivered with compassion, in the attempt to attain the most favorable outcome for the family involved.”

Lastly, we have Kristen’s husband, John. For many years, John has managed the law firm. Most clients know him as one of the first voices they hear when contacting Jackson Law to set an appointment for the law firm or the real estate arm of the practice. Although not an attorney himself, he has a comprehensive understanding of the firm’s legal areas of practice. Clients quickly become confident and comforted with his ability to comprehend, discuss and articulate their individual legal needs prior to setting a consultation with one of the firm’s attorneys.

More specifically to the real estate area of the firm’s practice, John is also a Realtor as well as a state-certified general contractor who has built projects locally, nationally and internationally. John understands
value and quality when visiting properties as he, for many years, built commercial high-rise buildings, large-scale custom residential homes and theme parks. It’s not uncommon for John to show up together with Chuck to determine the best listing price or comparison values before selling or buying property.

The Future of Real Estate at Jackson Law

To our many clients who challenged us to sell and buy real estate properties for them and to the rest of the Central Florida community: We did it. Jackson Law P.A., together with its in-house Realtors, now have the ability to purchase and sell properties for you. Whether you need to sell or buy a piece of real estate, or close on a property, let our Realtors and our real estate escrow, title and closing legal team represent you.

Get Started Today!

Visit us at both of our websites: and

Written by Lyndsay Fogarty

Lyndsay Fogarty has had many roles at Central Florida Lifestyle, working her way from intern to contributing writer to managing editor. She is a graduate of the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication where she earned her degree in journalism. Along the way, she has learned that teamwork and dedication to your craft will get you far, and a positive outlook on the present will get you even farther.

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