
11 Ways to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

The holidays have a way of throwing off our routines. Here are some strategies to stay healthy this holiday season including easing stress and incorporating movement. 

Focus on the Positives 

Instead of dwelling on what will happen if you eat poorly and stay sedentary, consider the perks of eating better and getting moving.  

If you eat a healthy diet, you’ll live longer and reduce your risk for chronic health conditions — or manage the ones you already have. The perks of exercise begin nearly immediately after a workout, and include reduced anxiety and depression and better sleep. 

Don’t Deny Yourself Family Favorites 

Many traditional holiday foods wouldn’t necessarily appear on a list of the healthiest dishes. 

That’s OK — you can still enjoy them. Just choose one or two of your favorites, and eat them in small portions. 

Sneak in Extra Vegetables 

Try slicing up raw veggies and keeping them bagged in the fridge as snacks. Add beans or peas to soups and salads.  

Turn Your Plate Into a Party 

Another simple, festive trick to up your fruit and veggie intake? Eat as much of the rainbow as you can. Orange citrus fruits, bright-red tomatoes, purple eggplants and berries, and dark, leafy greens all contain different vitamins and minerals.  

Fill Up on Fruits 

Fruits make excellent desserts, and they’re also a key part of a healthy diet, filled with disease-fighting nutrients. 

Start the Day Right  

Skipping breakfast will likely only make you hungrier later in the day, and more prone to overeating unhealthy foods. 

Try a special holiday-themed bowl — stir dried cranberries or cooked, canned pumpkin and pie spices like nutmeg and cinnamon into oatmeal. 

At Night, Sleep Tight 

Finishing out the evening with a good night’s rest can also go a long way in keeping you on track. Aim for seven to eight hours a night. 

Take a Walk 

Whether working, writing holiday cards or watching seasonal movies — take periodic breaks for a stroll in your neighborhood. If you have holiday errands, park farther away from your destination so you can get in a few more steps.  Try to make your motion add up to 150 minutes per week — that’s at least 20 minutes a day, or 30 minutes five days a week.  

Try the Jingle Bell Rock 

Turn on your favorite holiday tunes and dance around the house — it’s a surefire way to get the whole family moving. 

Make Time for Number One 

Whether it’s a nap, a hot bath, an engaging book or relaxing music, carving out a few minutes for you will restore your energy so you can handle the next challenge. 

Create New Holiday Memories 

Sign up for a turkey trot or holiday dash race, either in real life or virtually. Walk-and-talk dates with your family and friends, ice skating or taking a bike ride past holiday lights — when the weather’s safe — can add a festive mood to your day, all while boosting your health and well-being. 

You can count on AdventHealth to get you through every season of life. To find the nearest emergency room, Centra Care urgent care, primary care and more, visit

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