
3 Ways to Give Back To Your Community


The holiday season serves as a reminder to give back, not only to the people who help you in day-to-day life but also to your community. Orlando is home to countless nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to caring for the community, and they are constantly looking for volunteers to help them achieve their missions.  

Below are some local organizations that invest in helping those in need year-round. So gather a group of family and friends for an afternoon of giving back.

Give Back and Serve Your Neighbors

What better way to help your community than to serve a hot meal to individuals who don’t always have access to one? One Heart for Women and Children plans monthly outreach events where volunteers serve a hot meal to homeless and impoverished individuals in the community. This month, volunteers are needed on Nov. 25 to donate food items for a Thanksgiving meal served to 300 people. Volunteers of all ages are welcome to offer a hand. If you would like to extend aid but will be out of town, the organization is accepting donations of beverages, clothing and sanitary items for those who will be attending as well as monetary donations to cover utensils and plates.

Ring the Bell for Change

Every Christmas season when we walk out of our local grocer or department store, we’re met with the sound of a ringing bell and a person wearing a red Santa hat and a smile. Luckily for Floridians, these volunteers don’t have to brisk the winter snow, so they get the best of the winter season. The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers with outgoing personalities who are eager help out with the endeavor. Bell ringers are needed from mid-November to Christmas Eve. The money raised per hour is enough to provide a family with two bags of groceries or shelter an individual for one night!

Raise Awareness with a Walk or Run

Getting involved in a walk or a 5k is a great way to show your support for a cause close to your heart. Many organizations host these events from January through summertime because of Florida’s beautiful weather. Track Shack has already posted a list of events that need volunteers to provide instructions, cheer on runners and coordinate individual races for 2019.

Additionally, Harbor House is hosting its 8th annual Paws for Peace Walk at Blue Jacket Park in April! This Walk works to raise awareness and end abuse. The organization is always accepting volunteers as individuals or groups to help assist with other fundraisers. Become social media ambassadors and play with kids in the child care center!

Endless volunteer opportunities are available in Orlando! Whether you’re interested in working at a hospital, with children at care centers or with teams giving back to the homeless.

Written by Larissa Hamblin

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