
4 Ways to Immediately Take Charge of Your Health

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, it’s not always easy. However, the beauty of the journey is that it’s your own. And whether you start today or next week, taking the first step is worthy of celebration. As you continue through your health journey, here are four tips to take your efforts to the next level. 

Start with joy 

Taking charge of your health shouldn’t feel like a chore. Will it be hard sometimes? Absolutely. But starting with a positive mindset can set the foundation of transforming your new habits into a daily routine. As you’re outlining what you want to accomplish, don’t forget to have fun, enjoy your new experiences and welcome the happiness and changes that will inevitably come because of your hard work. 

Get up and get moving 

There are a number of ways to engage in physical activity, including at your local gym or even biking and walking on a nearby trail. Don’t like weights? Dance! Not sure about running? Swim! No matter your preference, movement is one of the best ways to contribute to your overall fitness. Exercise can also positively impact cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition, and muscular strength. 

Make nutrition a priority 

Eating the right foods is just as important as physical activity. In fact, healthy foods are what fuel your workouts. And just like exercise, eating healthy can be fun! Experiment with recipes, swap out your regular fruits and veggies with new ones, and be sure to craft your diet based on your individual lifestyle. What’s important is to simply keep it balanced. 

Invest in your self care

Sometimes when we think of health, we stop at food and exercise, but those are only part of the equation. Things like sleep quality, mental health and social connectivity all contribute to your well-being. It’s important to keep these aspects of your life in balance to maximize your healthy lifestyle choices. 

A healthy lifestyle not only makes you look and feel better, it can help reduce illness and disease, while influencing your mood and overall well-being. It’s a journey well worth the investment, and can lead to a more active and enjoyable life. 

And that’s where Healthy West Orange can help.  Kickstart your journey by visiting You’ll find lots of content to guide you, from HUBB – a free one-stop shop to access health and wellness resources in your community — to “Community Connections,” an interactive workshop series that provides education on various health and wellness topics; from cooking classes, to mental well-being, and financial planning. 
To learn more, visit

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