5 Reasons Businesses Are Choosing to Use NoSQL Databases

Data is the new global currency. That is how many experts are describing our increasing dependence to collect, store, and use data. With innovations like AI transforming businesses, the amount of data available is growing every year.


Recent research shows that the amount of data in the world is expected to increase to 200 zettabytes by 2025. Today, data can come in many forms, with 80% of all data being unstructured. This is data without a fixed schema, such as text documents, emails, video files, social media posts, and images. As data has evolved, so have data management systems, with more businesses choosing to use NoSQL databases, which have emerged as an alternative to traditional relational databases. This is because they can handle the complex and vast amounts of unstructured data produced by modern applications, and it is why the global NoSQL database market is expected to grow from $9.38 billion in 2024 to $86.48 billion by the end of 2032. Below are 5 reasons why NoSQL databases are becoming increasingly popular for businesses.




Data doesn’t remain static; it is always growing and evolving. This poses an issue for businesses, as they need to keep up to stay agile and competitive. Traditional databases scale vertically, which means they need added hardware to store the data. NoSQL databases, however, can scale horizontally by simply adding more nodes to the database to handle the increased workloads.




Another key advantage NoSQL databases offer businesses is the flexibility of their data models and the type of data they can store. This NoSQL explained guide lists the four major data models: document databases, key-value databases, wide-column stores, and graph databases. Each data model can store unstructured data, offering a unique way to store and access the data. For example, graph databases work well for highly connected data, where the relationships or patterns may not be very obvious initially, while key-value databases are used for caching and session management and provide high-performance reads and writes because they tend to store things in memory. This flexibility makes them very adaptable, and businesses can choose one or more NoSQL databases to store and sort their information.


High Performing


Because of the large volumes of data that businesses now need in order to be effective, businesses are not choosing SQL databases because they struggle with handling large volumes of data and high throughput scenarios. This is due to limitations in their architecture and indexing mechanisms. NoSQL databases are able to use various strategies like distributed storage, sharding, and optimized indexing to handle these large volumes of data without any issues. For businesses looking to store large amounts of different data types, NoSQL databases allow them to do so even during peak times.


Ease of Use


A key reason why businesses are choosing NoSQL databases is because they are developer-friendly. A document database uses coding similar to JSON, which many developers are already familiar with. This means they don’t need to learn a completely new programming language. NoSQL databases can also store data in native formats, which means developers don’t have to adapt the data to fit into the data models. Not only does this make them easier to use, but it is also time-effective and cost-effective.


Many Use Cases


As a result of all the above points, NoSQL databases are being used across many industries for different applications. Ecommerce, in particular, uses NoSQL to track large volumes of consumer and product data. This allows them to provide much more personalized services. In finance, NoSQL databases are being used to help clients make smart financial choices by analyzing market trends and providing accurate risk assessments. Developers in the mobile app industry use NoSQL databases to store user information such as user profiles, location data, and app usage stats in order to develop and evolve their products.


NoSQL databases are the future of data management, and many businesses are realizing this and implementing it in their operations. For more breaking news on start-ups and companies making an impact, do visit the rest of our site.





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