
8 Ways to Help Your Health Bloom

Spring is in the air, signaling a season of warmer weather, longer days, and new beginnings. We think of spring as a time full of promise and hope. A chance to refresh our minds, strengthen our bodies and nurture our spirits. An opportunity to renew our commitment to our whole health and well-being.

One of the best ways to do this is by keeping regular appointments with your primary care provider (PCP). Your PCP looks after every aspect of your health and helps you feel your best all season long. Here are eight tips to help you get the most out of the coming spring.

1. Start the season off right with a wellness exam.

As your regular physician, your PCP knows you better than any other provider and is familiar with your baseline health measurements. That means they can quickly determine when something isn’t right. They specialize in getting you the right treatments at the right time based on your personal health goals, medical history, and preferences. As we welcome the blossoming flowers of spring, schedule a wellness visit with your PCP and make sure your health is ready to bloom.

2. Refresh your mindset.

Just as you deep clean your home every spring, you can also use this time to declutter your mind. Your PCP can help you focus on ways to improve your outlook, nourish your psychological needs, and eliminate stress and anxiety.

3. Spring into action.

We all know that exercise is the key to good health. Get moving for at least 30 minutes per day. Your PCP can help put together an exercise routine that’s tailored to your specific needs. You won’t believe how much better you’ll feel.

4. Savor the healthy foods of spring.

As temperatures rise, seasonal spring produce begins to fill the grocery store shelves. Add fresh, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet such as asparagus, strawberries, radishes, artichokes, and leeks. Ask your doctor for diet recommendations based upon the results of your physical.

5. Quench your thirst for life.

Spring can sometimes feel like summertime under the Florida sun. Staying properly hydrated is the key to good physical and mental health. Your physician will tell you that most people do not drink enough water. Challenge yourself to drink 64 ounces of water a day for a week and see how you feel.

6. Take a spring break.

Everyone is eager to get out and have fun this time of year. But don’t forget to balance that energy with a proper sleep schedule. Most people should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. If you still wake up tired, you might have a treatable sleep disorder. Alert your PCP and get the care you need to protect your health.

7. Be safe in the springtime sunshine.

As the weather warms, it’s time to enjoy the great outdoors. But prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can damage your skin cells. Ask your physician about your risk for skin cancer and when to get a skin cancer exam. And make it a practice to wear a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses if you’re going to be out all day under the sun.

8. Keep allergies at bay.

Millions of Americans suffer from allergies, and springtime is the prime season for tree pollen and a host of other allergens in Florida. Allergies can make your life miserable. Your PCP can schedule a comprehensive test to determine what you are allergic to and how best to manage your symptoms.

Get screened this spring.

A Quick Guide to Wellness Exams:

Your primary care physician or advanced practice provider can ensure you are on track with preventive health screenings and vaccines that are important at your current stage of life. *


• Blood pressure

• Skin cancer

• Mental health

• Pap smear


• Body mass index (BMI)

• Cholesterol

• Immunizations

• Full metabolic panel


• Heart health

• Cholesterol

• Mammogram

• Colorectal screening


• Cognitive assessment

• Joint/bone density

• Shingles vaccine

• Vision exam


• Colorectal and prostate cancer screening

• Cholesterol

• Bone mineral density (BMD)

• Hearing test

* This is not intended to be a complete list. Ask your physician about other important health screenings and vaccines that you should have, and when.

Prioritize your health all season long. If you don’t have a primary care physician you visit regularly, you aren’t getting the health screenings you need to avoid potentially serious illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems or cancer. Your PCP is your source for preventive medical care, and ensures the consistent, coordinated care you deserve. And in most cases, your out-of-pocket cost per visit is much lower than for a trip to the emergency room or an urgent care clinic.

To book annual wellness visits for you and your family, call 407-401-7297 or visit

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