
Abbott Joins Hands with Second Harvest Food Bank to Bolster Hurricane Preparedness

As the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season looms, global healthcare titan Abbott has teamed up with Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida and Feeding America to fortify communities against potential disasters.

On a significant Friday, May 10th, over 20 dedicated Abbott employees from the company’s diagnostics hub in Orlando converged to assemble 1,000 vital “Abbott Disaster Relief Packs.” These packs, meticulously curated to sustain families for up to three days, contain a plethora of Abbott nutrition products, including nutritional bars, Ensure and PediaSure nutrition drinks for both adults and children, and Pedialyte rehydration solutions.

Safely stored at Second Harvest until the need arises, these packs, conveniently portioned into 500 units for families of two and 500 for families of four, stand ready to be swiftly deployed within hours to offer immediate assistance to families grappling with the aftermath of a storm.

This marks the seventh consecutive year of collaboration between Abbott, Second Harvest, and Feeding America in replenishing disaster relief packs in Florida. Nationally, Abbott and Feeding America have been steadfast allies in disaster relief since 2006, extending essential nutrition to over 660,000 individuals affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, and other calamities.

Through this alliance, Abbott, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Feeding America underscore their unwavering commitment to standing by communities during times of crisis, ensuring access to vital resources, and fostering resilience in the face of adversity.

Written by christianperley

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