
Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions

2022 action plan text on light box on desk table in office.Business motivation or management.

In a divided world, one thing we can all agree on is saying goodbye to 2021, and hello to 2022. If starting the New Year with resolutions isn’t your cup of tea, try the following ideas to set yourself up for a better and brighter year.

Set Your Intentions

With so much going on in the world around us, it is important to remember we can’t control others, but we can control our attitude, and our intentions behind our own actions. So, this year set the stage for your own intentions. This requires more than simply writing down a goal; it is about setting a specific mindset or feeling, and declaring what it is you want to attract or confront in the New Year.

Press the Refresh Button on Your Life

Maybe there is one particular area of your life you’d like to press Command+Shift+R (or Ctrl+R for my PC friends) on, and refresh a little bit. Maybe you let something go this year. Or maybe you de-clutter your living space. For one reason or another, we can all benefit from a fresh start, and there’s no better time than the start of a new year.

Choose a Word of the Year

A new trend in the world of resolution building is choosing a word of the year to help guide you through the next 12 months. Since many resolutions don’t last, this is meant to be a longer-lasting approach. It is suggested to choose one word, or a short phrase, to help guide your decisions in an effort to reach your goals.

Remember a new year means new possibilities. So, choose the action plan you believe will best help you achieve your goals. Be intentional. Get ready to own your 2022!

Written by Kaitlyn Fusco

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