
Brittney Tyler: 10 Years Making an Impact in Long-Term Care


Brittney Tyler, a Senior Executive Director at Apopka Health and Rehabilitation Center, has dedicated 10 years to long-term care. Appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis to the Florida Board of Nursing Home Administrators, she’s the District 2 President for the Florida Healthcare Association and is part of the 2023 Florida Leader class. Brittney is a University of Central Florida and Nova Southeastern alumna and a servant leader who enjoys community service, mentorship, and family time.

What is your WHY? 

My why is my legacy, what others will remember for me, and when I leave this earth. 

What motivates you to put one foot before the other on your most challenging days? 

On my most challenging days, I go to the word of God and seek prayer for guidance. I think about my goals and how far I’ve come personally and professionally. While at work on my tough days, I go back to the root of why I started in the profession as a Nursing Home Administrator and spend time rounding the floor visiting my residents.  

Have you drawn inspiration from other women? Tell us about someone who has inspired you. 

My mom inspires me! She’s a nurse who always pushed me to shoot for the stars. She’d always state, “Brittney, you can do anything you put your mind to if you focus on it.” She’s a hard worker and never ends anything when she’s tired, only when she’s finished.

What are you most proud of? 

I am most proud of my son Marley Trail! I am a new mom, I have a 17-month-old, and he is truly a blessing from God.

Would you change anything about how you have handled challenges or successes thus far? 

 No, life’s challenges are opportunities to learn. If you’re complacent and not taking risks, there’s no reward. Unfortunately, this is a work in progress because fear sometimes gets in the way of my pursuing new ventures.

How do you manage stress and maintain your mental health? 

Recently, reading outside on my porch has been a stress reliever. I’m reading “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” by Marshall Goldsmith.

 What is your favorite way to practice self-care? 

Self-care is essential! It includes spending time on weekends doing my hair and nails. I always say, “If I look good, I’ll feel good and perform my best.”

 How do you stay motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle? 

Another work in progress for me. I aim to exercise 2-3 times a week minimally and pack lunch to save money. It’s challenging with apps like Uber Eats, but it benefits my physique and financial goals, making it a win-win!

How do you prioritize your time and energy to achieve your personal and professional goals? What tips can you offer others? 

Write everything you want to achieve down. There is something special about writing things down and doing it often. I’m a notepad person; I like to write down everything I need to do to stay on track for the day. Whatever doesn’t get accomplished is carried over to the following page checklist. This helps me stay on track and reflect on where I started. Sometimes when you work and do things daily, it’s hard to see progress, and for me, 1% better each day is the goal. Write down short-term and long-term goals and always return to the table to adjust as necessary. You are your own competition, and anything you focus on changes. Challenge yourself, but always give yourself some grace now and then. 

Written by Staff Writer

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