
Celebrating the Woman Next Door: Dr. Erica Stockwell

This month, in partnership with AdventHealth for Women, we’re recognizing some of the women in our community who are selflessly giving to others while raising families, supporting their loved ones and/or building their careers. Whether they know it or not, their stories inspire other women near and far.


Meet Dr. Erica Stockwell

Dr. Erica Stockwell is an advanced gynecologic surgeon who always goes above and beyond. She joined AdventHealth Medical Group from Las Vegas, where she was Assistant Fellowship Program Director for an internationally acclaimed minimally invasive surgery program and Medical Director of the Las Vegas Pelvic Health Center. Initially a biomedical engineer, she earned her medical degree from Midwestern University and the prestigious departmental award in OB/GYN. After completing her residency training at the University of Minnesota, where she served as chief resident and developed a robotic surgical training program, she received the American Urogynecologic Society’s (AUGS) excellence in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery award and the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons’ (SLS) award for outstanding laparoendoscopic resident. She then completed a fellowship in advanced gynecologic surgery with Las Vegas Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery, and the institute awarded her the Boston Scientific Innovations in MIS Women’s Pelvic Health award. She also concurrently completed her MBA through the Lee Business School at the University of Nevada. Dr. Stockwell’s passion is to develop safer and more effective surgical innovations. She currently holds patents on several diverse technology-based medical and surgical
devices. Besides her work as a practicing physician, Dr. Stockwell is a wife and mother of four beautiful children and lives in Lake Nona. She is also an entrepreneur who recently launched a nutraceutical company for women. She is also interested in international health and has participated in medical missions in Tanzania, Peru, and Colombia.

What is your WHY?

My “why” is to make a positive difference in the world. I’m passionate about Women’s Health. I’m passionate about surgery. I’m passionate about innovation and trying to bring it all together and make a positive difference in the world. That is my “why” and what drives me.

Have you drawn inspiration from other women? Tell us about someone who has inspired you?

The biggest inspirations in my life have honestly been my colleagues and coworkers. Dr. McCarus, my boss, he’s a huge inspiration to me for Women’s Health. As far as female inspiration, one of my biggest mentors in my life is Dr. Jasmine Pedroso. We were co-directors for the fellowship program in Las Vegas and she’s gone on to do great things. She’s a huge inspiration to me for the work that she’s doing; medical mission trips to Africa, performing surgeries to fix gender mutilation. I actually delivered her two children. But I would say my colleagues probably inspire me more than anybody else. To see their passion and see that they love what they do and how they push the envelope every day to enhance surgical care for women inspires me.

What are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of being a mom and being a role model for my four children. I’m showing them how you can be career-driven and try to make a difference in this world. I also have a very supportive husband who is not in medicine, and that helps a lot.

Written by Daniel Korentur

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