
Celebrating the Woman Next Door: Sarah E Grafton

This month, in partnership with AdventHealth for Women, we’re recognizing some of the women in our community who are selflessly giving to others while raising families, supporting their loved ones and/or building their careers. Whether they know it or not, their stories inspire other women near and far. One of those amazing women is Sarah Grafton.

Meet Sarah:

As the Senior Financial Advisor of Grafton Wealth Management at Merrill/ Bank of America, Sarah Grafton provides financial advice and guidance to high-net-worth clients and their families. Sarah can work closely with each client’s other trusted advisors to give us the perspective to help clients set and pursue a variety of short- and long-term goals. She is very involved in her local community, serving on various non-profit boards and committees. Sarah has been named to the 40 under 40 list, a Women in Business Award nominees, the Business Leader of the Year in 2020 and received the United States Service Award from both President Obama and President Trump. 

What is your WHY?

Throughout my life my “Why” has evolved! When I was young my why was to prove that I was competitive, ambitious and could achieve success. After having children my why became them. I wanted to provide for them. I wanted to give them all they could want or need in this world. I wanted to inspire them and show them that you can do literally ANYTHING you want to, that you cant be afraid to ask, afraid to try or afraid to fail. As I have matured I have learned that everything I do is to show God’s love to others, whether its serving the best I can as their financial advisor or when I am in the community giving back and helping others, I am blessed because I try to be a blessing to others. 

On your toughest of days, what motivates you to put one foot in front of the other?

There have definitely been tough days, I started a career in Finance during 2008. I am a mom of three beautiful boys who have busy schedules. I am a wife to a very handsome and successful man who has lots of sporting events I support him at! There are definitely tough days, but I am a stubborn optimist and forever faithful that God has me where I need to be! I have an amazing extended family and team at work that supports me in all I do. When the days get hard or long, I am motivated by my family. 

Have you drawn inspiration from other women? Tell us about someone who has inspired you.

One of the very first women who inspired me was my Grandmother, Madelaine. As a child I was surrounded by strong women. I emulated everything she was. I thought as a child all women are strong, outspoken, smart and brave. That’s why it is so important to be surrounded by positive role models like I was. I know if it was not for her and my mother, I would not know without a doubt that women stand up for what they believe in, women are to be respected, women should be confident in who they are and women can change this world. 

What is the one word that perfectly explains who you are?

Serve. Everyday I wake up and try to serve those around me – in my career, in my volunteer work, in my family, anywhere that I am led to help! 

Would you change anything about how you have handled challenges or successes thus far in your life?

I think the only thing I would say is when you are faced with a challenge or a need dont be afraid to aak for help! I truly believe we are better together! Two can accomplish much more than one. I was not always confident enough to ask for help, especially as a woman in a typically men led industry. 

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my family. Successes of today may fade, but the love and kindness you pour into your family and your children will resonate for generations. Raising 3 boys and watching them make good choices and be a positive impact to those around them makes me incredibly proud. Also working with my brothers and my father for the past 15 years and growing Grafton Wealth Management to what it is today makes me incredibly proud 

What is the biggest challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it? 

Time! As women, many of us try to do it all. I would love to say yes to every charity. I would love to say yes to every prospective client. I would love to say yes to every field trip, birthday party, etc. We simply can not. It took me a long time to learn how to say no and embrace yes all at the same time. You have to balance your calendar to reflect your personal priorities. If your health is number one than it should take up the most time on your calendar. If relationships or faith are number one then those should be reflected that way in your schedule! 

Written by Staff Writer

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