
Jessica Hallgren Haines: Someone You Should Know

Jessica Hallgren Haines is the Founder and Managing Partner of KLG Orlando, FL, and owner of Champion Title & Closing and Park Title. Jess received her undergraduate degree in marketing from the University of Central Florida and went on to earn her Juris Doctor Degree from Barry University School of Law. Jess’s dedication to giving back to her community led her to launch her own 501(c)(3) organization, Hope for More Foundation, in 2018 with the goal of impacting children and the underprivileged in our local community. Hope for More focuses on identifying and supporting outstanding nonprofit organizations in Central Florida to further their efforts in outreach, advocacy, and fundraising. Her love for giving back started at an early age and therefore her sons Connor and Dylan are actively involved in the ongoing growth of Hope for More. Together with her husband Richard Haines, RLH Construction, they have grown Hope for More’s largest event to over 700 people, raising over $200,000.00 and leading a food drive impacting over 300 people each holiday season.

What is your WHY?

My why is my family. Every day I strive to bring a smile to my children’s faces and show them how amazing and blessed every day is when we focus on the good. Filling their buckets with love and support are why I work so hard to be the woman I am today.

On your toughest of days, what motivates you to put one foot in front of the other?

My boys motivate me to see the positive in every situation and on my toughest days. I always say, “will this affect me in five years” and if it won’t I don’t spend time dwelling on the issue. I find a solution and move forward. My husband and friends remind me daily of how even the worst days are better than most and for that I am truly grateful.

Have you drawn inspiration from other women? Tell us about someone who has inspired you.

I believe women supporting women is one of the strongest forces around, therefore pinning one woman who has inspired me is truly impossible. I have been inspired by powerful CEO’s down to the positive and cheerful woman bagging groceries at Publix. We all have a story and if you take the time to listen and get to know someone, truly know them; inspiration comes from everywhere.

What is the one word that perfectly explains who you are?

Giver. I am truly someone who gives their all to every part of my life; normally that’s an amazing quality but at times can also be a curse. Learning to give appropriately is something I struggle with daily but evolve with maturity.

Would you change anything about how you have handled challenges or successes thus far in your life?

For sure-every year is a year of evolution and with that comes evaluation. I have embraced the challenges I have learned from and changed my perspective year after year. I have learned that the people I surround myself with are extremely vital to my well-being and successes; that not everyone is there for the pure intention I wish to believe (flaw). I now put-up boundaries and embrace those with the same goals as myself; always finding those to push and motivate me to be a better person.

What are you most proud of?

Personally, I am most proud of the mother I am to my children. Not every day is butterflies, but I wake up with a loving heart and know that my kids feel LOVE every second of every day, whether I am with them or not.

Professionally, building companies that the core is GIVING. It is a true passion of mine to give and surrounding myself with employees who equally give makes me the proudest.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it?

My biggest challenge was balancing being a mom and being a CEO running companies. It’s not easy and there are days I wonder if I am simply crazy—but in that crazy I realize I am showing my boys how to respect women, how to embrace strength in women and how to admire working moms. My boys tell me consistently they love mommy working and love coming to my office. I know this alone will make them better men, supporters, and partners to all in the future.

Written by Staff Writer

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