
Central Florida Sees Rise in Donations Due to Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world to a standstill. To say that it has made the lives of people difficult is an understatement. Due to the pandemic, people have lost employment and have been forced to the point of poverty.

Doctors, nurses and frontline workers have put their lives on the line to help patients. Moreover, people working in grocery stores, farmers, delivery drivers, sanitation staff and others have been hard at work to ensure that life continues. In addition to this, the general public has also come together to help the lives of those in need. Despite the trials and tribulations that people are facing, the community in Central Florida has stepped up.

According to Tampa Bay Times, non-profit organizations have seen an increase in the demand for their services. Some NGOs have also witnessed a decrease in volunteers. However, there are some NGOs that have stepped up to the task at hand.

Moreover, people are holding food drives and offering assistance to people in various ways. Apart from providing financial aid to others, Floridians are also offering emotional support to fellow citizens. There are various ways that NGOs are trying to help the locals during the pandemic.

Partnership with Local Governments

The Heart of Florida United Way has been partnering with the local government to provide funds to people in need. In addition to this, they ensure that residents have access to the basic amenities and utilities.

Financial Assistance

United Way also raised funds to provide financial assistance to people. They helped people pay rent and mortgage payments to the bank. They helped raise $17 million for around 14,000 residents in Central Florida, reports Tampa Bay Times.

Yuengling is a brewery based out of Tampa. They have been providing financial assistance to hospitality workers. They raised around $20,000 to help such people.

NGOs are facing challenges as well. They are making do with scarce resources. In such circumstances, we have seen that local groups are taking up the mantle to assist people.

Food Drives

Many people lost their jobs and have consumed their savings down to the last penny. It is a scary reality for many families. It is saddening to see that primary caregivers cannot afford to provide even the basic meals to their families due to being laid off from their jobs.

During the pandemic, the demand for food has only risen. In such an instance, many NGOs and local groups (including religious groups) have stepped forward to cover the food shortage in the region.

The Metro West Church of the Nazarene in Orlando has been conducting food drives during the pandemic. People from all backgrounds have benefited from such food drives. In addition to this, Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida has been working tirelessly to supply food to such groups and NGOs.

Employees at Punch Card Management (working closely with Second Harvest Food Bank) raised donations of $10,000 to help feed families within the community.

Responsibility as a Community

The pandemic has not been easy on anyone. For those better off than others, the pandemic provides an opportunity to step forward and help those in need. You only have to look around to see who needs help during these times. As a community, we need to recognize our duty in helping others. In such times, we need to uplift one another in whatever way we can. We can help others in many ways. Apart from offering monetary assistance, we can help others through a nice gesture. It can mean a lot to someone who is having a bad day.

Central Floridians are witnessing acts of kindness by local organizations. These organizations have been distributing amenities, such as soap and toilet paper, which became scarce, especially last year.

We should remember other communities during these trying times. Jewish charity groups have also stepped forward to help those in need. We should appreciate the efforts of individuals and organizations. Most importantly, we need to step up and think of ways to help others.

Despite the setbacks of the pandemic, Central Florida has witnessed a rise in donations from local groups and organizations. Many NGOs have been working tirelessly to ensure that the people are not left to fend for themselves. It is one of the great qualities of a community, and hopefully, this will continue in the future.

Written by LSIntern

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