
Gary Player and his 10 Commandments


The lessons that Gary Player learned in his legendary golf career extend far beyond the golf course. He has also been able to take these lessons and apply them to every other aspect of his life. For any challenge, whether it’s on the course, between the ears or a physical one, his recipe for success stands in his 10 commandments for life.

These 10 commandments can apply to you, too, regardless of the path you have chosen to take in life or where a roadblock has gotten in your way. Taking this list to heart may just lead you to similar success.

Gary Player’s Ten Commandments

1. Change is the price of survival.
2. Everything in business is negotiable, except quality.
3. A promise made is a debt incurred.
4. For all we take in life we must pay.
5. Persistence and common sense are more important than intelligence.
6. The fox fears not the man who boasts by night but the man who rises early in the morning.
7. Accept the advice of the man who loves you, though you like it not at present.
8. Trust instinct to the end, though you cannot render any reason.
9. The heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but that while their companies slept were toiling upward in the night.
10. There is no substitute for personal contact.

When you find yourself in a tough situation with a boss or a coworker. When you disagree with a loved one and can’t seem to work past your own ego. When you’re challenged in life through tragedy and loss. When you swing and you miss. These are the times when one or more of these commandments will be just what you need to turn it all around.

Due to popular request, we are re-releasing this archived article.

Written by Kristi Gomen

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