
High School Students Raise Funds

Most students forget about their awkward years at a former elementary or middle school once they’ve graduated, but not the alumni from Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS), a pre-k to 8th grade local private school in Dr. Phillips.

HFCS alumni often go on to enroll in Bishop Moore Catholic High School (BMC), a private school in Orlando. Starting with the class of 2017, 21 students decided to create the Lion & Hornet Society and contribute $60 each to BMC’s 60th anniversary.

The founding class raised $1,350 in funds, which was donated to the BMC annual fund. This generous nature has been seemingly passed down, as the class of 2018 and the class 2019 have been contributing as well.

This is the first time in the history of BMC that current students have mobilized in such a significant manner to give back to the school, according to a press release.

HFCS takes pride in its alumni and hopes their giving nature is a remnant of the moral instruction received from their years attending HFCS.

Written by Gabby Baquero

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