
Ho-Ho-Woah: Making your chimney safe for Santa

When the temperatures across Central Florida dropped over the past couple of weeks, it provided one of the few opportunities throughout the year for houses in the area to use their fireplace(s). In all likelihood, the past couple of weeks was the first time this year. Santa’s visit is just days away, so be sure to make his annual trip down your chimney will be a safe one!

Clear obstructions

There are quite a few mentions of birds in the “12 Days of Christmas”, but that’s not something Santa wants to encounter at your home on Christmas Eve. Throughout the year chimney’s can accumulate tremendous amounts of leaves and twigs – a perfect environment for a nest. Make sure your chimney is free of any obstruction or other wildlife that may have inhabited since you last checked. This will also allow for a more free-flowing fire, with smoke drafting up the flue rather than into your home.

Clean out byproducts

You may enjoy roasting chestnuts on an open fire, but fires create build up of soot and creosote inside your chimney. Don’t be the people that make Santa’s suit a mess with a dirty chimney! Removing these byproducts of smoke will also significantly reduce the chances of a chimney fire. Many know that soot can be an absolute mess, however, creosote is the leading cause of chimney fires in the United States.

Burn dried, seasoned wood

Santa is okay with fires in the chimney during his visit, but be sure to burn dried, seasoned wood. Burning dried wood significantly reduces smoke, which also reduces soot and creosote. You don’t want Santa experiencing high volumes of smoke on his journey down, his night is tough enough!

A chimney inspection is recommended at least once every twelve months. Santa’s visit provides a great reminder to do just that this time of year. Make your chimney safe and sound for when Santa Claus comes to your town this holiday season!

Written by Catie Moore

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