
How You Can Help Central Florida Charities In Need

Many Central Florida charities are in desperate need during these times. Please consider providing any relief possible. Here is who and how you can help!

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is in need of PPE due to shortages for frontline staff and foster families.


  • Sew face masks and/or other protective gear. Put your sewing skills to work, following this pattern: so that the Devereux team can insert N95s or other CDC-approved filter material inside the pouch to optimize usage of limited supply and minimize risk of COVID19.
  • Create PPE (e.g., goggles and face shields) via 3-D printers. If you have access to 3D printers, join our efforts by following specifications for this prototype: to create face shields to help protect the health and safety of Devereux team members.

Center for Independent Living’s Foundations to Freedom program is designed to alleviate barriers to accessibility in the home but not all who are in need can afford the modifications or adaptive equipment. CIL is looking for donations of such equipment to give those in need a more independent life and keep them safe in their home preventing falls that could lead to hospitalization.!

Needs- Walkers, wheelchairs, commode extenders, grab bars, vibrating alarm clocks, shower chairs, flashing doorbell fingers and much more linked below! To donate please search for Center for Independent Living in Central Florida , Inc on Amazon Smile!

Please contact Brittany Pilcher – Development Director at or by phone 407-623-1070. We thank you for your considerations to these tremendous Central Florida charities!

Written by Catie Moore

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