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Introducing the Cutest Babies of 2023: Winners Revealed

Get to know the adorable winners of the 2023 Cutest Baby Contest! Special thank you to Krush Brau Park for hosting the babies at this year’s photo shoot. 

1st Place: Monroe and Bristol

Photo of first-place winners Bristol & Monroe.

Age: 11 months old

Parent Names: Jonathan and Crystal

What are some of your Cutest Baby’s favorite things?  

Monroe-Music, Spaghetti, Momma’s cell phone, snuggles, bath time, laughing at her sister, remotes, crawling, steering wheels

Bristol-Snacks, dancing, cocomelon, making people laugh, bath time, Tommy Roe-Sweetpea, phones, remotes  

What is your baby’s most precious moment? 

When we were teaching Monroe to crawl we would use her favorite strawberry teether toy and hold it in our mouth and she would crawl over to snatch it and put it in her mouth and just crack up laughing.

Since the girls were born Bristol always reaches to find her sister’s hand. When I take their picture, when they are sitting in the high chair eating, when they get their bath at night she always reaches for her sister’s hand. Most recently I got them out of their cribs in the morning and was carrying both of them to get them dressed for the day and she reached over to hold her sister’s hand the entire way. 

What is your favorite story to tell about your Cutest Babies? 

The day we found out that we were having twins. We were so nervous going into the appointment due to some unforeseen complications. During the appointment we saw not one but two heartbeats. We left with our hearts twice as full! Since that day there have been so many favorite stories and it just keeps getting better every single day. 

2nd Place: Greyson 

Photo of second place winner Greyson

Age: 8 months

Parent Names: Baylin and McKenzie 

What are some of your Cutest Baby’s favorite things? Greyson enjoys bath time, being held, taking walks outside, picking grass and getting his little hands dirty in the dirt, giving kisses, story time, jumping in his jolly jumper, watching his Miami Hurricanes with Daddy, and cuddling with his “Govey” (his giraffe lovey).

What is your baby’s most precious moment? When Greyson was a newborn, he would cry when he was getting tired, but as soon as worship music would come on, he would settle and fall fast asleep.

What is your favorite story to tell about your Cutest Baby? Greyson is one of the sweetest, most gentle-spirited souls. While we were expecting him, I prayed for a snuggly baby and he really is such a cuddly, loving baby boy. We couldn’t have asked for a more precious gift!

3rd Place: Alani

Photo of third place winner Alani.

Age: 5 months old

Parent Names: Joan and Andrew 

What are some of your Cutest Baby’s favorite things? She likes to stand tall and jump on your lap and she also likes being bounced. She enjoys when people talk to her and she loves sucking on her pacifier. 

What is your baby’s most precious moment? 

Alani’s most precious moment is when she was so happy to see mommy she grabbed my face with both hands to kiss me with her drooling mouth and when she wakes up in the morning and sees mommy and daddy for the first time and has the biggest most precious smile on her face.

What is your favorite story to tell about your Cutest Baby? My favorite story to tell is when we go out in public and people are always stopping to look at her because she’s so cute and then she melts their heart away by giving them such a joyous smile. Its so amazing to see how she brings so many people joy through her precious smile. She is living up to her middle name “Joy”. 

If you want to leave traces of your baby’s growth or want to give your baby a special gift, a custom keychain is a good choice!

Custom keychains can be selected in your favorite color, shape, size, and material. You can also customize it, such as your baby’s hand and footprints, name, date of birth, constellation, and growth message. You can also present your baby’s meaningful growth photos on the keychain to create a unique souvenir. This keychain is suitable as a celebration gift for the baby’s full month or first birthday, and it is also suitable as a small accessory for daily wear. It will accompany the baby’s growth, record precious moments, and become a memory bond between family members.

Custom keychains are simple and practical, full of love, and accompany your baby to grow happily!

AdventHealth for Women’s Focus on Whole Person Care

AdventHealth for Women offers a whole person approach to health care that embraces women at every stage of their lives. The AdventHealth for Women care network includes eight Baby Place locations throughout Central Florida as well as an extensive support network for new parents including Birth Experience Coordinators, parent education, lactation services and more. 

Our world-class providers offer personalized expertise close to home. From well-woman checkups and mammograms to OB care and pelvic health, you’ll always have a choice of experts in a variety of specialties. And our specially trained Women’s Health Navigator helps manage your health throughout your lifetime by finding providers and helping to coordinate your whole family’s care.

Our nationally recognized care is focused on delivering health care that is coordinated, comprehensive and convenient. Learn more at


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