It was another record breaking year for our annual Cutest Baby Contest. Get to know the winners and some adorable honorable mentions.

Mila – 1st Place
Proud parents: David and Josephine Roe
Community: Altamonte Springs
What are some of Mila’s favorite things? Mila loves play time with her physical therapist! Mila was blessed with an extra chromosome, and she has to work harder than typical babies to reach her milestones. She loves bouncing on her exercise ball, tummy time and rolling around her play mat with her older brother Lucas. Her most favorite activity is just being in her daddy’s arms. If Mila is ever upset, only Daddy can soothe her with his cuddles.
What is Mila’s most precious moment? We celebrate every milestone our daughter meets. Some of our most precious moments with sweet Mila have been watching her roll over at 3 months of age and sitting by 9 months of age. She seems so proud and smiles big when she’s achieved what she wants to do. Mila also met Minnie and Mickey Mouse at Walt Disney World, and her face was pure joy when they interacted with her.
Tell us a cute story about Mila. Mila was diagnosed with Down syndrome at birth. As I held her one night in the NICU shortly after her birth, she opened her eyes and watched me sob. We were overwhelmed with her diagnosis and did not know what was to come. In my weakness, she gave me strength. She gave me a light smile and stared into my eyes deeply. It was her way of letting me know that she was alright and I would be also. She has been fearfully and wonderfully made.

Brooks – 2nd Place
Proud Parents: Michael & Kristan
Community: Oviedo
What are some of Brooks’s favorite things? Brooks loves to smile! When he’s not smiling he’s either playing with his light-up jellyfish, rattle ball or Mr. Turtle that hangs from his car seat. His favorite sing-a-long is Charlie & the Numbers’ version of the ABCs & 123s. He loves putting anything and everything into his mouth, including our cell phones. He is a true lover of food and can never get enough Gerber puffs!
What is Brooks’s most precious moment? His most precious moment was when he discovered his voice and had a full-on conversation with himself. This involved a ton of big smiles, good belly laughs and sweet cooing. His big smile always warms up the room. We can’t get enough!
Tell us a cute story about Brooks. When we went to get a sonogram of Brooks around 30 weeks, we discovered our little boy was not sucking on his fingers but his toes in the womb. On Christmas morning, he found his foot for the first time and it was like the “good times” came back to him. He found the best present and it wasn’t even under the tree!

Owen – 3rd Place
Proud Parents: Cristina Betancourt and Austin Shipes
Community: Lake Nona
What are some of Owen’s favorite things? Owen enjoys being in the water. His bathtub, the pool and the beach are his favorite places. Playing with Gabriel (his older brother) and Peppa (our rescue dog), “driving” Daddy’s truck, crawling in the grass, playing with the remote control, and mommy’s laptop are his favorite things.
What is Owen’s most precious moment? The day he was born. Meeting our little one and holding him in our arms was the most spectacular feeling of all.
Tell us a cute story about Owen. We were sleeping with Owen in bed when Daddy opened his eyes to the baby looking and smiling at him. I was faking to be asleep just to see Owen staring at his dad and waiting for him to wake up with the cutest smile in his face, like he was going to surprise his daddy!

AdventHealth for Women’s focus on Whole Person Care
AdventHealth for Women offers a whole person approach to health care that embraces women at every stage of their lives. The AdventHealth for Women care network includes four Baby Place locations as well as an extensive support network for new parents including Birth Experience Coordinators, parent education, lactation services and more.
Our world-class physicians provide personalized expertise close to home. From well-woman checkups and mammograms to OB care and pelvic health, you’ll always have a choice of experts in a variety of specialties. And our specially trained Women’s Health Navigator helps manage your health throughout your lifetime by finding providers and helping to coordinate your whole family’s care.
Our nationally recognized care is focused on delivering health care that is coordinated, streamlined and convenient. Learn more at