
Motherhood Balancing Act: Love, Work, and Traditions

Embracing motherhood is a journey of love, sacrifice, and nurturing traditions that weave the fabric of a family. In this intimate glimpse into the life of Candice Postal, we explore the joy and challenges of motherhood, the supportive family dynamics, and the delicate balance of managing work and family in the comforting environment of home. Join us as we celebrate the heart of a wife and mother in our vibrant, connected community.

When a young girl dreams of a home of her own; brand new, pristine -clean, and bordered with the security of a freshly painted white picket fence, she is excited with anticipation of all the possibilities that await her. 

The love that she will share will help ignite the delightful events and landmarks that will be placed in her life and start the bedrock of her own family.

While the experience can be magical, is she prepared for the sacrifices that come with it?

Candice Postal is a wife and mother who has learned about the challenges and rewards of family life. She manages an insurance company from home full-time; her husband David is a safety manager. Candice and David have two vibrant elementary-aged girls: 7-year-old Sadie in first grade and 5-year-old Savannah in kindergarten.

The young mother credits her mother, Barbara Melton, as the heart of their family, providing an exceptional example of the roles a wife and mother play in nurturing their loved ones. Barbara taught Candice the importance of depending on God, fostering love, providing tender care, and sacrificing for family and friends.

“My mother was always the core of our family, so you could say I learned from the best! She’s an amazing mother, and I hope my kids can say the same about me one day,” Candice says. 

Candice has a great family support system as her parents babysit and transport the girls to and from school and other activities. The family enjoys spending quality time together by maintaining the tradition of annual vacations and initiating a monthly camping ritual.

Every day, Candice looks forward to helping her daughters prepare for school and the novel experiences ahead. In the evenings, she cherishes the tranquil moments spent scratching backs and soothing her daughters by singing to them.

Candice’s work-from-home day involves managing vendor relationships and interacting with direct reports. She meets with her team, vendors, and various departments to discuss ongoing projects. Still, she emphasizes the importance of putting family first and appreciates the support she receives from her manager and team. The flexibility of her work-from-home schedule allows Candice to be present for her daughters’ appointments and activities.

When Candice’s youngest daughter asked her to teach Sunday School, she embraced the opportunity and the preparation it entailed, ready to guide young minds eager to learn.

“My family always comes first”, Candice says with loving loyalty.  “So, when I finish working for the day, I don’t worry about work. I focus on my family.” She further explained that work, school, and after-school activities do not leave much time in the day, but she makes the most of it.

Despite the unforeseen challenges that a mother faces, Candice navigates them with prayer, love, and patience. For mothers in similar situations, she advises setting boundaries and adhering to them.

Written by Joyce Bliss

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