
Pet Care Tips

Whether you currently have a pet or are looking to get one, here are some pet care tips that will help you provide the best care. 

Pet Care Tip 1. Proper Dental Hygiene for Your Pet

Periodontal disease, while completely preventable, is the most common clinical condition in cats and dogs. It has the potential to destroy a pet’s teeth and gums and compromise their health. If your pet exhibits any of the following symptoms, the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian to minimize the risk of possible infection from gingivitis. 

Bad Breath:If your pet’s breath becomes particularly offensive, it’s a sign that periodontal disease has started.

Frequent Pawing at the Face or Mouth:If your pet starts to paw their face or rub their head on the floor or a wall, they may be experiencing dental discomfort. 

Reluctance to Eat Hard Foods: If your pet stops chewing, drops food when eating, or whimpers or cries when eating, gingivitis may have already set in. 

Red, Swollen Gums and Brownish Teeth: Lots of tartar and discoloration as well as red, bleeding gums, are signs of gingivitis. 

While brushing your pet’s teeth at home may help to slow tartar and gingivitis, it won’t stop dental problems from occurring. Get professional care when recommended. 

Pet Care Tip 2. Pamper Your Pet

Everyone loves to be pampered, including your pets. Regular grooming and hygiene goes beyond nutrition and exercise. It will leave your furry friend looking and feeling great. Regular fur brushing promotes good health while removing dead hair, skin and dirt from your pet’s coat. This is also an excellent opportunity to examine your animal’s body for lumps, rashes, sores, dull and flaky skin, and fleas. These are warning signs that may warrant a trip to the vet. 

Live a Long, 

Happy Life

Pets are part of the family, but their life spans are significantly shorter than ours. As part of a survey of veterinarians on the keys to pet health, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association identified the top five most important things pet owners can do to increase the longevity of their pet’s life. The order of importance may surprise you.

Weight Control:
Pet obesity can be life threatening. Overweight pets are more likely to encounter medical conditions like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, lung disorders, high blood pressure, immune dysfunction and cancerous tumors. 

Dental Health:
Proper dental hygiene can prevent infection in pets.

Regular Exam and Check-ups:
Meeting regularly with a veterinarian can help find health problems before they become major. Staying up to date on vaccines is also important. 

Regular Exercise:
Regular exercise will be enjoyable for your pet and will prevent obesity. 

Appropriate Food for Life Stage:
A good quality food will help your pet maintain a healthy weight, oral hygiene and a healthy coat. 

Written by Matt Richardson

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