
Sand Lake Imaging Announces Central Florida Community & National Health Awareness Campaign

Sand Lake Imaging (SLI) is proud to announce the launch of its 2018 Central Florida Community and National Health Awareness Campaign, “Sand Lake Imaging CARES,” (#SLICARES).

The Campaign, which will highlight national health awareness initiatives and partner with 12 leading non – profit community organizations, will engage patients of SLI by informing them of each individual non – profit cause, and encouraging patients to become active participants in living a healthy lifestyle. The causes will feature awareness missions including heart and lung disease, Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, kidney disease and more.

“Our patients have choices as to who their imaging providers will be, and we want to communicate that we are a patient-centered imaging facility that cares about our patients and the communities they live in,” said Dr. Robert Posniak, a partner at Sand Lake Imaging. “We believe in listening to, informing, and involving patients in their care and embracing greater patient interaction which yields greater benefits in the form of improved quality and patient safety, reduced costs, higher – value care, improved patient outcomes, and greater patient and provider satisfaction.”

The Campaign reinforces their community focus and will take a unique multi-leveled approach to reach patients throughout 2018. Kicking off the project, Sand Lake Imaging has unveiled “The Waiting Room Project” where guests will enjoy hand-painted murals by James Oleson and interactive artworks designed by psychologist, Linda Brant. The collection of three immersive art installation experiences: “A Universe Within,” “Butterfly Effects: The Power of Small Things,” and the “Window of Imagination” are housed exclusively in the Orlando location, and provide guests with a variety of interactive opportunities to engage and to learn more about the human body, and how our experiences impact our lives. In addition, representatives from each non-profit organization featured that month, will also be present on-site on the first Wednesday of each month to answer questions and to provide supplementary information.

As the complementary piece to the “Sand Lake Imaging CARES ” Campaign, SLI will further give back to the Central Florida community through their Facebook page. Each Wednesday, beginning January 1 7 , SLI will offer a weekly Facebook contest that will promote National health awareness and allow participants who comment the opportunity to win $100 directly donated to a charity of their choice. This campaign is designed to inform all on healthy lifestyle choices and to inspire patients to become active participants by giving back to their local communities.

“At SLI, we are deeply committed to demonstrating to our patients and to the community that we truly care,” said Dr. Stephen Bravo, the partner at Sand Lake Imaging. “ We care about them personally, their lifestyles, and the causes that matter to them most. Our hope for this campaign is to not only support our patients both inside and outside our offices but to bring additional awareness to critical national causes and to continue to give back to our local community in every way that we can.”

The interactive art installations will kick off for International Creativity Month at SLI on January 15, and the full campaign will run each month through the end of 2018.

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