
Have The Healthiest Holiday Season With These Simple Tips

The holidays are upon us, and it’s time to celebrate the joys of the season with family and friends. Making the most out of every moment can be hard, but with a healthy mindset and lifestyle, you can be ready for anything. Stay on track to have the healthiest holiday season this year by following a few simple health tips, so you can make the most out of every moment. 

Make sure you wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds to defend against sickness and getting someone else sick. Also, get your flu shot! Some experts say flu season will be especially harsh this year, so protect yourself and others by getting your vaccine. 

Trust us, we know eating clean during the holidays can be hard but making healthier choices can have a long-term positive effect on your overall health. First, practice safe food prep by sanitizing hands and surfaces often, cooking foods to the right temperature, and refrigerating leftovers properly. When it comes to holiday meals with the family, preparing nutritious foods can go a long way. Options like green beans over green bean casserole and a choice of salads and veggie platters are a good option. Plan to stop eating when you’re full so you can save a trip to the ER due to overindulgence. 

There are some great and easy things you can do in order to have your healthiest year yet, which can lead to a lifetime of healthy habits. Make sure you schedule your annual screenings and are up to date on exams and appointments. Doing this can avoid a surprise over the holidays. After you have your appointments scheduled, get moving with regular physical activity. Also, try and make a new and active tradition with the family like throwing a football in the yard or another healthy activity that can bring fun and healthy habits for generations to come. 

AdventHealth wants to make sure you and your family have the healthiest holiday season yet. You can visit to find the nearest AdventHealth ER, Centra Care urgent care, primary care, and more.

Written by Kristi Gomen

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