
Mills Apprenticeship Makes Big Impact on Students

Montverde Academy junior Sydney Barker and homeschooler Brooke Herrera (who is simultaneously pursuing her high school diploma and an associate degree at Pasco-Hernando State College) are forever grateful to have received a W. Daniel Mills Apprenticeship at Garden Theatre in Winter Garden, Florida. Both 17-year-olds are on the performance track and say that the nine-month apprenticeship has helped them grow and continue working towards their performing dreams.

Sydney Barker

Barker, who has been singing since she was in third grade and performed with the Orlando Repertory Theater for many years, says the apprenticeship took her to the “next level.” She explains, “I’ve learned to bring a part of myself to the characters I play. Now I understand more than ever that every performance is unique because there is a piece of you in the character and vice versa.”

Barker, who was a friend of fellow Montverde Academy student Daniel Mills before his untimely death in 2020, says she takes comfort in knowing that so many theater students are getting excellent guidance and experience with an apprenticeship created in his name. “Daniel loved to perform and entertain. This apprenticeship honors the life he lived. I can only imagine he’s looking down and smiling, seeing all the future actors and stage technicians that this program is helping,” Barker says.

Brooke Herrera

Herrera, who has been performing since she was three years old, says one of the proudest and most exciting moments in her life came during her apprenticeship with the Garden Theatre. She got to sing for Kelli O’Hara, one of her theater idols and the headline performer for the Garden Theatre’s 2020 presentation of “Encore” who also taught a masterclass for the apprenticeship program. “It was humbling to perform for such an experienced and celebrated actress and singer like Kelli O’Hara. I felt like one of the luckiest people in the world,” Herrera says.

According to Herrera, one of the most surprising things she received from the apprenticeship was the care and encouragement she got from the other apprentices, performers, crew, and teachers. She explains, “Usually when you’re competing for a role, the environment can be very judgmental and sort of toxic. But at the Garden, all I got was support and positivity.”

Working with the professionals at the Garden Theatre helped Herrera’s confidence in herself as well as strengthened her performing skills. She credits Garden Theatre’s Education Director Nick Bazo, Artistic Directing Consultant Roberta Emerson, and Artistic Director Joseph Walsh, with making her a better performer and a better person. “I have never worked with a leader as special as Nick. He cared so deeply for everyone’s well-being. With Nick and Roberta and Joe in my corner, I felt like I could go deeper and explore more. When you’re supported like that, you can’t help but grow.”

Auditioning for the Daniel Mills Apprenticeship Program

Both Herrera and Barker are sad the academic year is over and know that soon their apprenticeships will end too. They say they appreciate being welcomed into the Garden Theatre family and encourage other performers to audition for the Daniel Mills Apprenticeship Program so they too can grow and go after their dreams. Interested candidates can learn more about the program and how to apply on the Garden Theatre’s website.

The William Daniel Mills Theatre and Apprentice Program was founded by Harold Mills and Rosy Mills in loving memory of their son, Daniel. This exceptional initiative provides scholarships, extensive training, and invaluable work opportunities for young adults pursuing careers in both on-stage and backstage theatre roles. Join Harold Mills and Rosy Mills in their mission to nurture and empower the next generation of theatre professionals!

Written by Tarre Beach

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