
Theater Students Win Awards

Students from Magic Curtain Productions (MCP), a local community theater, participated in the 2016 Junior Theater Festival at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta from Jan. 15 to Jan 17. Their presentation of selections from “Once On This Island” earned these 35 students the Freddie G Excellence in Music Award.

“This intelligent and sensitive performance honored the diversity of the group and its strength,” Nikol McKail, a manager at Hal Leonard Australia, says. “Musically precise and luscious, the rich, warm and harmonizing vocals soared and danced. The stage was dressed by all performers in a stunning fashion. This group tells the story in every element of performance – through music and dynamics, acting and dialogue, movement and staging. Every element was woven together to make this gorgeous, complex and artistic tapestry.”

Founded in 2003, this year’s festival attracted 5,000 attendees. MCP brought its Senior Performance Troupe to the festival, and students Meghan McQueeny and Dario Antonio were named to the JTF All-Stars, which is made up of outstanding performers attending the festival.
MCP’s students often perform for after-school programs, community events and at local assisted-living facilities.

Written by Gabby Baquero

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