
Ways of Decluttering the Home Before the Holiday Season

We often wait until the new year approaches to start looking for a refresh. This is because for many the new year signifies a rebirth of sorts. It is a chance to refocus, and what better way to do so than by decluttering the home? However, it’s never too early to start.

Decluttering the home might look different from one person to the next. That is why it is important first to determine a plan that works for you. Once a plan has been made, the goal is to concentrate on one area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.  

As you begin the process, remember your why. Allow yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment as you evaluate the value of all things in the home. This makes the organization or removal of all things that don’t bring you happiness or that take up unnecessary space easier.

Here are 6 decluttering tips to start your holiday season off with a clean slate. 

Clear out the kitchen

The goal in decluttering this area is to get rid of all expired foods, cookware, utensils, or appliances that will sit untouched. The essential items that are remaining can be tucked away in specific drawers and non-essential items can be stored in specific cabinets. 

Organize your closet and drawers

Remove clothes and shoes that you no longer wear or can no longer fit. This allows for extra storage space for new items. You can also reorganize both areas by assigning clothes to designated spots based on color, occasion, or another method of your choosing. 

Throw out old kid’s toys

First, you will want to gather all toys in one area and then look for ones that are broken or unused. For the broken toys you can throw them out and for toys that are unused plan to donate them. For toys that are being kept, find a designated room or area to store them in. 

Sort through stored holiday decorations 

At a year’s end, you have probably purchased a ton of holiday decorations. Collect all decorations from their current space in the house and separate them into seasonal item bins. This way when specific holidays come up you know exactly which box to sift through. 

Organize office space 

Go in and throw out or shred old documents. Get rid of pens and other writing utensils that no longer work. Once complete make sure the remaining papers and supplies are neatly organized and stored in designated spaces. 

Clear out the garage 

The garage is a big area to tackle, but it’s doable. You may choose to take the time to sort through each box and assess what can stay or go. You can simply look at the labels of boxes and throw the whole thing away, or you can remove everything and host a yard sale. 

No matter your execution plan, now’s the time to start decluttering your home. The holiday season will be here before you know it and you may not want to be bogged down with cleaning.

Written by Alexis George

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