
What You Are Most Thankful For : School Edition

Orlando locals of all school ages take the time to share what they are most thankful for this holiday season.

“I am thankful for all the TFA faculty and staff who take their time to get to know every student on a personal level.” – Cadence, 9th grade, The First Academy

“I am thankful for my family’s health.” – Hudson, 1st grade, The First Academy

“My being able to fly, get on the radio, and all the blessings that God has given me with the opportunities I’ve had.” – Steven, 12th grade, The First Academy

“I am thankful for my friends because I have fun with them and when I need help with spelling, we help each other. I am also thankful for my family because with their help I get to go to Windermere Prep and get a good education.” – Tabish, 3rd grade, Windermere Preparatory School

“My Name is Gavin…Some of the things I am most grateful for…My Family, the school I go to, my friends, and Disney.” – Gavin, 5th grade, Windermere Preparatory School

“I am most thankful for the uplifting atmosphere I have been able to grow up in as a young adult, filled with undying support and love from my parents and sisters. Continually, this transcends into my school community formed at Windermere Prep and how for the past twelve years, the opportunities I have been given as an individual have fostered my independent growth, sparked inner creative capabilities, and ultimately has built another home where I am able to share these developmental experiences and learn from others.” – Danielle, 12th grade, Windermere Preparatory School

“I am thankful to be on this planet right now at this time. The reason why I am thankful to be on this planet is because this is a great planet.” – Timothy, 4th grade, Princeton Elementary School

” I am thankful for God because he made us and gives us everything in life.” – Janae, 5th grade, Princeton Elementary School

“I am most thankful for my family and friends, especially my aunts, uncles, and cousins on the weekends while my parents are working.” – Juliana, 4th grade, Princeton Elementary School

“I am thankful for going to the playground.” – Jax, Pre-K4, Montverde Academy

  “I am thankful for my friends and teachers for getting me through the day. I am also thankful for my coaches and teammates for cheering me on and pushing me to be better than the best.” – Carine, 7th grade, Montverde Academy  

“I am thankful for family, friends, and basketball.” – Antonio, 4th Grade, Montverde Academy Antonio, 4th Grade, Montverde Academy

“I am so very thankful for my family! I am thankful because they love me and care for me.” –Mason, 5th grade, Windermere Preparatory School

“I am thankful for my family and my dog because they are the best!”– Lorenzo, Pre-K, Creation Village

“I am thankful for my Landon and my mommy and my dress!”– Gabriella, Pre-K, Creation Village

“I am thankful for Mickey and my friends!”– Caden, Pre-K, Creation Village

Written by Staff Writer

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