
Meyer Escapes with Three-Game Suspension

After years of all types of lies and deceit, there appeared to be enough evidence to finally bring Urban Meyer down this time. The pathological liar was knowingly harboring a pathological psycho, and it was time for all involved to pay the price.

Good on you Brett McMurphy. You tried to do the right thing in bringing this story to light. In fact, even late Wednesday, in the wake of the announcement that Meyer will simply be suspended without pay for Ohio State’s first three games of the season, you were still trying. Still uncovering deplorable details of Zach Smith’s conduct throughout his time as one of Meyer’s long-time assistant coaches. Your investigative reporting throughout this process was top-notch, going as far as posting details of Smith’s sex toy purchases that he was having shipped directly to the Ohio State Athletic offices. You stopped short of posting explicit pictures of Smith having sex with a staff member inside the Ohio State facilities, as well as posing provocatively inside The White House, of all places.

That’s truly going the extra mile on an investigation that began as a probe into repeated domestic violence issues between Smith and his ex-wife, Courtney – issues Meyer admittedly lied about having any knowledge of just a couple of weeks ago at Big Ten Media Days. Those lies led to the supposedly rigorous and detailed investigation conducted by a supposedly independent law firm, which lead to the suspension of Meyer, as well as Athletic Director, Gene Smith, who will serve a 17-day suspension.

The details of the investigation were provided to the Ohio State Board of Trustees, who deliberated for 10 hours on Wednesday. Following deliberations, lead investigator, Mary Jo White, along with Ohio State President, Michael Drake, Gene Smith, and Urban Meyer, held one of the more pathetic press conferences ever performed. White shared the investigation’s findings.

“(Meyer) was informed of that investigation by Athletic Director, Gene Smith” White said, in regards to Meyer’s prior knowledge of the 2015 investigation into Zach Smith. Knowledge that Meyer himself couldn’t recall just a few weeks prior at Big Ten Media Days.

“Coach Meyer, and A.D., Gene Smith, although acting in good faith, did not report the investigation…to compliance, as we believe they should have.” White added.

Good faith? Puke.

That “good faith” was enough to fire Meyer for breach of contract on the spot.

Mary Jo goes on.

“(At Big Ten Media Days) Coach Meyer falsely stated he lacked knowledge of all relative events regarding alleged domestic violence by Zach Smith in 2015. While those denials were plainly not accurate, Coach Meyer did not, in our view, deliberately lie.”

In the written portion of their findings, investigators also revealed something previously unreported about Meyer.

“Coach Meyer has sometimes had significant memory issues in other situations where he had prior extensive knowledge of events. He has also previously taken medicine that can negatively impair his memory, concentration and focus.”

Spare us.

Meyer then addressed the media, reading a prepared statement that deserves about the same amount of attention as the sincerity with which he read it. None.

“I thought with my head, and not my heart,” Meyer said, who’s already used the bad ticker excuse to relieve himself of his duties in Gainesville. Now, it’s his head’s fault.

Meyer then fielded questions, conveniently asking reporters on each occasion to repeat themselves, sometimes two to three times, before attempting to answer.


Meyer’s three-game suspension will leave Ohio State under the direction of interim coach Ryan Day and spare everyone outside of Columbus, Ohio from having to see or hear from him directly until he’s able to return following the Buckeyes game vs. TCU on Sept. 15. That is, of course, if he can remember to show up.

Written by Nick Moore

Nick Moore is a sports contributor at Central Florida Lifestyle. He is an alumni of the University of Florida, where he graduated with honors from the School of Health and Human Performance - Sports Management.
Nick has been in the media industry for 13 years, serving a variety of roles in both the business and production aspects. His well-rounded work history is a testament to his belief that you can never learn too much, and the best learning comes through doing.

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