
5 Apps to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

We’ve officially made it to 2023 and now it’s time to follow through with our new year’s resolutions. While set with the best intentions, every year our resolutions naturally fall off as the year progresses. Luckily, there are apps that can hold you accountable and help you keep your new year’s resolutions. Whether your new year’s resolution is to volunteer or get active, there’s something for you.  

Here are 5 apps you can use to help you keep your new year’s resolutions this year. 

  1. Way of Life

Way of Life is a habit tracking app that is used to help you build better habits. The unique color-coded system will allow you to track your routines and the powerful reminders will make sure you form new habits or break bad ones. If you need to see your progress in written form, take advantage of the diary function. It allows you to jot down the cause of bad habits. If you are more of a visual learner, use the available charts to help you track positive and negative trends over time. 

  1. MyfitnessPal

Sometimes we forget that fitness goals include watching what we eat. But don’t fret! MyfitnessPal can help you take control of this goal by tracking your diet and exercise. The apps large food database gives you the opportunity to monitor macro-nutrients. Both nutrients and calories can be entered manually or by scanning the barcodes of food items. You may also opt to set weight goals, create an exercise plan, or let the app make one for you. 

  1. Headspace 

If one of your resolutions is to be more mindful, then this is the app for you. Headspace is an app that focuses on “improving health and happiness in the world”. In the app, experts provide meditation and mindfulness tools that will help improve your focus and relax your mind. Overall, it is a great app to create habits that will reduce stress and support your mental health. 

  1. Mint

Need help managing your finances this year? This budget and expense tracking app is the perfect resource. From budget planning to credit monitoring, Mint is full of free features that will allow you to take charge of all aspects of your money. You will even receive personalized insights to make your money go further.

  1. Plant Nanny

Getting enough water daily is important for your health. If your goal is to drink more water, Plant Nanny is your go-to app. It will remind you of how many cups of water you need each day. The app will also keep track of your water intake in a cute and creative way. For every glass of water you drink, the app’s plants will receive some hydration too! Therefore, as you continue to drink, the plant will continue to grow. 

Written by Alexis George

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